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Chibs POV

I got out of Opies house as soon as Jax went for Lizzys. Pushing some of my brothers out of my way, I walzed straight to a basement window. "Lizzy, love, it's ma. Ya can come out now!" I said loud while knocking on the window.
A few minutes later I heard the lock of the frontdoor shuffling and Lizzy peeked out from the inside. I ran to her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Opie walked past us with Tig and both gathered the kids. Clay came closer, again ending a phone call. "The prospect is on his way with the van. Gather some stuff for you guys and then we're out of here.", he ordered. Lizzy looked up at me, fear in her eyes. "Lockdown love. We are safer at the clubhouse." She let my words sink in and broke the hug, walking inside of her house. Tig came out with Josy on his arm. "And you know what? We have a playground at the clubhouse. You can play on the slide or in the sandbox. And guess what Abel will be there too!", he cooed and Josy giggled. Then she saw me. "Chibs!" She stretched her arms in my direction and I smiled at her, taking her from Tig. Josy snuggled herself in the crook of my neck. "Thank you for coming to help us.", she whispered. "Anytime lassie. I am here for ya." Five minutes later Opie, Jax and Opies kids appeared at Lizzys, all packed together for several nights at the club. Lizzy came back outside with a duffle bag and a backpack the minute the prospect arrived with the van.
I took the duffle from Lizzy and carried it together with Josy on my arm to the van. Opie put his kids in the back, instructing them to behave and that he meets them at the clubhouse. Putting the duffle down, I walked over to the driver side. "Aye prospect. Drive my bike back ta the club, I am driving the van." The other guys looked at me dumbfounded when I handed my keys to the prospect. "Ma bike better be whole when I see it thr next time!" Opie hugged Ellie and Kenny and came to me. "Since when is the prospect allowed to tide your bike?" "Since in the van is a more important luggage?" He snickered at that and just left shaking his head. Lizzy seated herself next to the kids and i handed her Josy. "Let's get you guys safe then."
I started the engine and waited in the curbside for my brothers. The bikes shielding the van on all sides. Like I said - important luggage.

After a short drive we all got sound and safe back to the clubhouse. Gemma, Tara and Layla already waiting for us at the picnic table.
Helping the kids to get out of the van, I turned to Lizzy. Her eyes red like she had been crying, she turned away from me hiding her face.
Tig came to the van, grinning. "Hey girly. How we let Mommy and Chibs figure out where you guys spend the night and we hang out at the playground? Abel is waiting and some other kids, too.", he addressed Josy, who hopped out of the vehicle and took his hand. "See you later Mommy!" Lizzy who got ot behind her daughter, stood there and watched Tig and Josy walking off. I decided to to take out the bags of the others, when Gemma and Tara came over.
"Chibs, go ahead. Bring the shit into the clubhouse. We are having a little chat with Lizzy.", Tara said. Lizzy turned around to us and just nodded at me. Fine with me. I needed to talk to the VP anyway.
Leaving the three grown up women to themselves, I went to the picnic table, where Jax, Clay and Bobby where at.
"Your not looking happy at all, Chibbi.", Clay grinned cockily. Ignoring his remark I went straight to Jax and shoved him a little. "Are ya outta yar goddamn mind boy? Playing the safety of my girl and the kids like tha? We don't know shite if these guys are dangerous! And then ya tell that son of a bitch that she's nothing more than a croweater?" I hissed at him. Jax put out his cigarette and just shook his head. "Oh yeah? And what would you have done? Going there with your gun aimed at his face? Stop thinking with your dick man!" He shoved me back.
"Guys there is no need to...", Bobby tried to reason, but I saw red. I jumped Jax and we both went flying to the pavement.

Lizzy's POV

"So girl. It's time to talk. What's going on? Clay already filled me in in some parts, but I want to hear the whole truth from you.",Gemma said to me, the moment Filip left us. "What she says is that we want to know the truth, maybe we could help you.", Tara said reasoning, she glared to Gemma, who just rolled her eyes. Before I could say anything I saw Filip attacking Jax. "Oh for flying fucks sake!", I cursed and bolted over to the picnic table.
Bobby saw me approaching, both of the ladies on my heels. He got hold of my wrist. "Let them boys handle that, Liz.", he tried to calm me. I just shook my head and wiggled out of his grasp. "FILIP TELFORD, STOP IT NOW!", I yelled and I tried to step in between the fighting men. For a second I got Filip to look at me and Jax took the chance of him being distracted and punched him into his jaw. Filips attention directed back to Jax, he didn't realize me inching closer, threw another punch at Jax. Seeing only flying fists, I knew I had to end this.

Brothers shouldn't fight about stuff like this.

I didn't know what Jax did that angered Filip, but I knew it was bullshit. So I jumped in between them without further thinking, even though Bobby, Gemma and some others yelled for me to get the fuck away.
The next thing I knew, was me being on the floor, holding my nose. "ENOUGH NOW! JACKSON, CHIBS! STOP IT!", Clay barked out. "YOU HIT LIZZY!" Both of the guys wrestling each other stopped immediately.
Holding my hands to my blood dripping nose, I couldn't hold back anymore and started laughing.
All eyes were on me, even those of Filip and Jax, when I guffawed out loud, tears forming in my eyes. Tara crouched down next to me and looked at me in concern. "Honey..." still laughing like a lunatic, I ignored her and she looked around, pleading for anybody to help.
Happy crouched down on my other side. "And they say I am crazy.", he spoke out what obviously everyone was thinking.
His statement just brought more laughter out of me, clearly noone could see the irony of the situation.
When the words of Clay sunk in into Jax and Filip, both came over to me, looking concerned at me.

"Who got her?", Filip asked, his pleading look saying more words than anything else. "You.", Happy said nonchalantly. Jax and Filip both drew in a sharp breath. Still chuckling I tried to get up. Happy and Tara helped me up and Filip stared at me with an unsure expression. I started to get dizzy and immediately stopped laughing. "Love? Lizzy?", Filip.asked afraid of what might come next. "I am fine. Just a little dizzy. Guess I deserved that punch though." The guys and Tara looked at me. "For bringing my shit to your club. For jumping between two fighting idiots. For being dumb as fuck." I stated carelessly. I glanced to Filip and he looked like he had been slapped by me. Jax just shook his head. "Tara, can you patch her up?" "Of course. Come on, let's bring you inside.", she muttered at me and lead me into the clubhouse. Bobby, Happy and Jax followed us in and Bobby looked at me like a scolding father. "Bobby just say it, before you choke on the unsaid.", I smiled at Bobby, even though my nose started to hurt like hell. He smiled at me. "Honey, I really didn't want to say it, but... I told you so." I grinned at him, ignoring the sharp sting of pain. "Feel better now, Pops?" He laughed. "Yes, kid. I do." We shared a light laugh. I looked at everyone and couldn't find the face I trusted the most. "Where is Filip?" Jax looked at me. "Outside. I guess he has to think about some stuff." I just nodded sadly and let Tara do her magic to patch my bleeding nose up. "He hit you pretty good. It already is swollen, but we will see in a few days if your nose is broken or not. Maybe we should get you to an x-ray." I grimaced at her. "Honestly I don't care. Wasn't the first punch in my life."
When Tara handed me a cloth to clean myself up, Juice came in and handed me my handbag. "Your cell keeps ringing."
My eyes grew wide. "Get Chibs here, now." Jax said as he saw my expression of plain horror. I pulled the cellphone out of my bag and we all listened to my ringtone. Filip came in with Juice and Clay. "Put it on speaker. And you all stay quiet!", Clay ordered. "Make him speak English, we want to know what he says." I nodded at Clay and pushed the button to answer the phone. Putting the call on speaker, my hands started shaking. "Yeah?" "Eliza." "Butch. What are you calling for?" We could hear him cursing in German. "Still avoiding to talk German?" "Guess what. I am not German anymore. I left my German passport in Germany. I am an American girl now. Now tell me, what the fuck do you want from me?" Glancing up at the others, I could feel all their eyes on me. I turned my head slightly and saw Filip watching me, a scolding expression on his face. "I want my kid." My head snapped back to the phone. "What did you just say?" "The kid is mine. It's coming back with me."

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