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Lizzy's POV

I woke up during the night, when I felt Chibs shifting at my side.
Not used to anybody sleeping next to me, I sat up.
The twilight of the nearing dawn putting the room into a unreal light. I leaned on the headboard of his bed, toying with his shirt he gave me to sleep in. The mere thought of what happened a few hours ago, put a smile on my face. Thanks to the guy next to me, the smile in my face was something constant for the last couple of days.
How could I fall so easily for him?
I don't know what spell he put on me, but he was the first one after my pregnancy with Josy who I let into my life. Why was I trusting him so quickly? Was it because Josy already liked that guy?
Watching him in his sleep, I took in his full sight. Seeing his tattoos on his chest this near made me wonder, what their meaning was. The reaper and the anarchy sign were speaking for themselves. My eyes wandered from his chest to his face. He was really handsome, even with the wrinkles and the scars in his face. The scars. Resisting the urge to touch them, I hummed quietly.
I closed my eyes, singing softly a tune stuck in my head.
Filip shifted again, his hand searching for me. "Hmmm...", he mumbled. I smiled. "Keep sleeping. It's to early to get up.", I whispered softly and started stroking his head. He sighed and opened lazily one eye. "What yar awake for then?", he yawned. "Don't know. Couldn't sleep I guess." He took my hand of his head, kissing it gently. "Yar overthinking aren't ya?" "Maybe a little." "A penny for yar thoughts?" "Just asking myself, what we are and how fast we became whatever we are." His eyes locked with mine in the early morning light, he sat himself up, resting against the headboard next to me. Filip took my hand in his playing with my rings on my fingers. "It's easy. Yar mine. Ma old lady. And I am yars."
A knock on the door interrupted us. Chibs sighed and told me to stay put on the bed, beneath the covers. He got up and looked around for his boxers, before finding them and pulling them on. He opened the door, revealing Opie who stood in the hallway.
"What's going on brotha?" "Sorry to disturb you... but I got a call from Lynne, the babysitter. Some guy is screaming in the neighborhood, woke up the kids. He's making a lot of ruckus, I could hear him through my phone." Opie looked at me apologetically. "He keeps calling your name Lizzy." Without hesitation I jumped off the bed and rushed over to get my pants. "Drive me home please?" I addressed at Filip. Opie remained in the doorway. "Who is he Lizzy?" "I don't know... we'll have to see. Would you come too?" "Yeah of course."

20 minutes later I rode bitch on Filips bike, holding onto him tightly. Opie, Tig and Happy following us. We drove around the curb to my house, when we saw a man pushing over trash cans and partially destroying my front garden. The guy heard the sound of the motorcycles approaching and took a run.
The boys parked their Harleys in a hurry, and ran after him.
Filip stayed at my side, helping me climbing down his bike. A few minutes later the guys came back, empty handed. "He took off, jumped into a car and they drove away. We had no chance." Opie panted.
Filip and I shared a glance, but I just shrugged.
"Good lord I am to old for this shit.... what time is it?", Tig asked, holding his side, while breathing hard. "5 in the morn..." "Liz, coffee?", he asked and batted his eyelashes. "Nope. Breakfast." , I laughed at him. Filip shook his head and kissed my temple. "Opie? Get tha kids with ma?" Opie just nodded and they both went over to Opies place. Jingling with my keys I instructed the remaining sons to follow me into my home.

"Liz! Uh.... this is sooo good..." Tig moaned and swallowed another bite of the pancakes and the omelet I made. Filip hit Tigs head on the backside. "Yar not moaning for ma love.", he chuckled. I leaned my head back on Filips arm, enjoying the sight of four grown up men devouring the food I made for them.
Opies kids and Josy were located to my bedroom, allowed to have a Shrek movie marathon after they had breakfast. The guys were laughing with each other and enjoying themselves, when my cellphone went off.
I excused myself from the table and gathered my phone. Not acknowledging the caller ID I answered the phone. "Jah?" "Elizabeth?" A male voice asked. "Jah. Who are you?" "Baby, es ist so schön deine Stimme zu hören." I grabbed the kitchen counter, securing myself. "Butch?" "Ja Baby..." I looked at Filip, his eyes resting on me askingly. The others realized something was off and they looked at me. I knew I paled pretty much. Ignoring Butch talking in German to me, I asked in English. "What do you want?" He sighed. "Since when are we talking English, baby?" "I don't care. Why are you calling?" "Mary and I are over. I can be with you. Be the rightful father for our kid." I grew hot, when anger shot through my body. "Are you serious?" I heard Filip getting up and approaching me. He pulled me close and I held the speaker more into Filips direction so he could overhear the conversation. "Baby I never wanted anything else than being with you." Filip held my hand in his. "Butch when you told me to get rid of the kid you refused to stay with me, you just bought me a plane ticket and a house. I am grateful for the little effort you put in me and our baby, but that doesn't mean I am willing to let you back in." "Eliza... come on, don't shut me off..." I sighed, seeing the others still watching us. "You did that to yourself. And to be honest. I am with someone else."
Suddenly the line went dead. I looked at my cellphone in disbelief. When I looked up from my phone, Filips and my eyes met.
"What was that about, sweets?", Tig asked a bit concerned. I shuffled back to the table and flopped down on a chair. "That, my dearest gentlemen, was my Ex and spermgiver of Josy." Filip lit a cigarette. Opie and the other two men watched me and Filip. "And...?" Obviously they waited for an answer. "He told me he broke up things with his wife and he wants me back or better said he wants me and Josy.", I murmured. Chibs flexed his fingers, forming a fist. "He is in Germany. Isn't he, love?" "The last time I checked, yeah." Now the other three looked at us more confused. I sighed heavily and started to explain, where I came from and what had happened. "But that was in another lifetime.", Opie stated. "Yeah. If I have a say in this, I don't want to see him or even want him around my kid. She's mine. He has nothing to do with her. The moment he told me I have to get rid of my baby or else there would be no us anymore, he made a decision. And I made mine and came here." Filip came over to me, laying a hand on my shoulder. "And I make sure he won't bother ya anymore. He belongs into yar past and not in yar future." I smiled at Filip. The boys nodded their heads. "You have a new family now, you don't need that one. Even if he was a buddy of your dad's, he treated you like shit, when you needed him the most.", Happy said. We all looked at him shocked. "That was the first time you said so many words in one row, brother.", Tig laughed. The tension left the room and we all chuckled.
Then we got interrupted again. The burner phones of all four sons went off. A collective groan was heard in my kitchen, when they pulled their phones out and scrolled through the messages. "Clay wants us back at the clubhouse for church." The guys got up and got ready, muttering Thank yous for the breakfast and the hospitality in general. I assured to Opie to take care of his kids until he came back home. Filip pulled me close and kissed me lovingly. "Stay in the house and lock all doors. If something strange happens, call the garage. Take care ma love." Smiling at him I pecked his lips one last time, before I shooed all the sons out of my house. "See you later. Ride safe, friends."
Watching them leave the street on the back of their Harleys, I did what chibs told me and locked all the doors.
Then I decided to join the kids in my bedroom and let sink what just happened a couple of moments beforehand.

Baby, es ist so schön deine Stimme zu hören. -> Baby it's nice to hear your voice. (German)

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