Chapter 10: Runaways

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I was very impatient so I decided to post 3 chapters in one day just because I love this one so much and it's the one you guys have all been waiting for. It made me really happy writing it and I hope it makes you guys happy reading it. Enjoy :)


Alex's POV:

He rushes to the window, closing it. I stay exactly where I am.

"Alex? Did your dad put you in here?" he asks, kneeling down in front of me.

"Yeah. What did he text to you?"

"I thought it came from you, it said you didn't want to move in. What happened?"

"You see, I was packing up my stuff when he came in, he simply didn't want me to move out and figured this was the effective way to do it."

"Let's get you out of here," he says, grabbing my hand. Warmth floods through my body at the touch, and I don't ever want to let go. Did he feel that, too? "Fuck, Lex, you're freezing!"

"Yeah, I know, I just felt like shit and thought sitting in the rain would remedy that but clearly I was wrong," I reply, chuckling slightly.

He takes off his sweatshirt- which is actually my sweatshirt- and puts it over my head. "You need to take better care of your health," he murmurs before grabbing my hand again, pulling me to my feet. I slide my arms through the arm holes, breathing in Jack's scent. He keeps a firm grip on my hand as headlights shine through the house.

"Jack, my dad is home," I say, terrified.

"We need to run."

"But-" I don't get to finish, since Jack practically drags me down the stairs. He runs to the living room, coming back with my phone. We rush out the back door, the rain pouring down.

"Alex Gaskarth, where the fuck are you?" I hear my dad holler from inside. Jack starts running faster, forcing me to run faster as well. Once my house is well out of sight, we stop, catching our breath.

"Your dad won't call the authorities, right?" Jack suddenly asks me.

"I don't think so. He's too drunk anyway," I reply, sadness brimming my words.

"Let's get to my house, we need to get you warm," he says. I look at him, and he's soaking wet. He's only wearing a short sleeve shirt with skinny jeans, since he gave me the sweatshirt he was wearing. I felt bad for him, but at the same time, he looked so perfect. The way the rain was dripping off his hair and chin, the way his wet shirt clung to his body, the way he was looking at me- all of it. Every part of me is aching to kiss him, just once, but I know I can't. He's perfect, but he's as straight as can be.

Jack's POV:

Right, so I'm definitely not straight.

Even in all his sadness, he was still the incredibly hot best friend I fell for years ago without knowing it. We stare at each other, and something comes over me. I take two strides toward him, crashing my lips into his. I don't know why, but I don't care. He's hesitant at first, which makes me second-guess myself, but he quickly kisses me back with just as much passion. My arms tighten around his waist while his fingers thread through my hair. His lips are just as soft as I imagined, sending electricity waves through my entire body, urging me not to pull away. I don't want the moment to end, and I can tell that he doesn't either. This is everything I'd ever wanted.

We eventually pull apart, gasping for air. Our foreheads are pressed together, our lips only an inch or two apart. I start to doubt myself. What if he hates me now? What if he thinks of me differently? What if I was wrong about him enjoying that? What if he doesn't feel the same? "Alex, I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask if you were okay with-"

I'm cut off by him kissing me again, slower this time, but not with any less meaning. I was reassured- he wanted this, too. When he pulls away, he puts his forehead against mine once more, whispering, "Fuck, you don't know how long I've waited for that."

Before I can say anything else, I see headlights in the distance. I pull Alex behind a few bushes to hide, although it's 11 at night and it's hard to see us anyway.

"That's my dad's car," Alex murmurs. Lightning flashes, and I pull him close to me.

"We're going to be okay," I whisper, rubbing my hand on his back in circles as I always do when he's stressed or sad.

After I'm sure we're in the clear, I take his hand and we finish walking to my house. Since my parents are asleep by now, we're able to go through the front door quietly and sneak to my room. Alex changes into some of my clothes, since we didn't have time to grab any of his. While he changes, I put his phone on charge for him and turn on the heater in my room.

He walks in, cuter than ever. I put a blanket around his shoulders and sit him down in front of the heater. He's still shivering, so I take it upon myself to go downstairs and make some hot cocoa for the both of us. I walk back in, handing him his mug and sitting on my bed beside him in a tense silence.

"What are we?" he asks suddenly. It's the question that's been hanging in the air, but neither of us wanted to ask it. "I mean, I thought you were straight, but now..."

I sigh. "Yeah, I did, too. It's a long story."

"We've got time," he says, a slight smile emerging on the corner of his mouth. I place a quick kiss on his cheek, taking a deep breath.

"Okay, it all starts on the day we had our huge argument..."

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