Chapter 19: You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

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Jack's POV:

~Time skip of two weeks, putting us in the beginning-ish of November~

Fuck you, Alexander Gaskarth. Imagine faking your feelings to someone who was genuinely confused about their sexuality just to end up leaving them... can't relate.

I spend the first four periods of the day faking smiles until lunch comes around, and my genuine smile makes small appearances around my friends. Rian and I talked a lot over text and in person the last few days and he's quickly becoming one of my closest friends. Zack is as good of a friend as ever. So, as I said, fuck you, Alex. I'm surrounded by people who genuinely care.

Rian, who's very involved in his studies, leaves the table about ten minutes before lunch ends so he can go to the library and get some work done, which leaves me with Zack.

"You okay buddy?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine," I say, putting on my best smile.

"You can talk about it, you know? I'm here. I know the situation with Al-"

"Don't mention his name," I say too loudly.

"Jack, we're not in second grade," he says, chuckling to himself. "I won't talk about it, but if you ever want to, I'm all ears."

"Thank you, seriously," I say.

"Of course," he replies, smiling.

We talk a bit more about various things before the bell rings, indicating it was time for fifth period, which was P.E. for me. I groan. Just because it's fairly easy doesn't mean I enjoy it.

Sixth period comes around and I half-expect Alex not to be there since he's been skipping a lot lately, but he's there looking as attractive as ever. What? No. Cut it out, Jack. He's there, looking as rude and arrogant as ever. That's better.

I take my seat next to Rian, trying to start a conversation with him, but I'm continuously shushed because he wants to focus. I sigh and decide it's probably for the best if I start focusing in this class as well. Besides, I don't have Alex to help anymore. That doesn't matter, though, because I have Rian.

The bell finally rings, and I say a quick goodbye to Rian before heading off to my locker. I see Alex getting yelled at by the nameless senior dude as usual, and I try to block it out, but I can't. I fiddle with things in my locker, listening in.

"Can you just leave me alone for once? Do you not have anything better to do?" Alex asks.

"Leaving you alone? That's no fun. Being gay isn't something to be proud of," the guy says.

"It's not something to be ashamed of, either."

"Oh, really? Don't you faggot people get turned on by everything a guy does?"

"You're really uneducated, aren't you?"

I'm gonna be honest... I'm proud of Alex for actually sticking up for himself. I have to bite my lip to keep myself from gasping of shock when I see the guy push Alex against the locker, getting his face dangerously close to Alex's. I try to look without it being obvious that I'm looking.

"Does this make you uncomfortable, faggot?" the guy asks, pressing his forehead to Alex's.

"Yeah, actually, get the hell away from me," Alex retorts, pushing the guy away.

He laughs, grabbing Alex by the shoulders and beginning to grind his hips on Alex's. "You're getting turned on, aren't you? You're so gay that you can't resist."

Alex looks petrified, his entire body frozen. My entire body aches to help him, but he's the one who was an asshole to me. Karma's a bitch. I don't watch the rest; I close my locker and walk away, guilt filling my heart.

Stop feeling guilty, Jack. He broke YOUR heart, not the other way around. And I'm going to be just fine without him.


I turn off my light, curling up under the covers. My mind finally starts to turn off when I hear something hit my window. I ignore it until it happens a few more times. I get out of bed, sighing, and peer out the window. I don't see anything, so I turn away. That's when I hear another thing hit the window. I look down to see Alex, pebbles in hand, looking up at me.

I open the window, saying, "What could you possibly want from me? Especially at this hour?" It was slightly past midnight, but I wasn't surprised that Alex was awake.

"Can we talk?" he asks.

"Yeah, right," I say, starting to close the window.

"Please, Jack."

"Fine, whatever." I close the window and pull on a sweatshirt and my shoes, careful to be quiet so I don't wake my parents up. I look at myself in the mirror and quickly flatten my hair with my hand, as it was sticking up on one side from laying down. I take a deep breath and walk out the front door, immediately feeling Alex slam his lips into mine.

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