Chapter 23: Everything For You

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(this is probably the closest I'll ever get to writing smut tbh)

Jack's POV:

The day drags on painfully slowly, and Alex was right- there were tests today. When lunchtime arrives, I scan my eyes along the sea of students, not finding the thin brown-haired boy I called mine. My heart sinks, but I know it has to be this way. However, I don't even see him enter the cafeteria to get food, and I know damn well he doesn't bring food to school, which worries me slightly.

Halfway through lunch, I excuse myself from my lunch table to find Alex. I wander around campus looking like a lost child when someone grips my wrist and pulls me toward them. I'm about to call out in shock, but I'm silenced by a pair of lips on mine. I melt into it, recognizing Alex immediately.

He turns me around and pushes me into the wall, pushing my bottom lip with his tongue, asking for access. Smirking slightly, I deny, but he retaliates by snaking one of his hands to the crotch of my jeans, squeezing slightly. I gasp at the contact, allowing him to attack my mouth with his tongue, which I really don't mind. He slowly starts palming me through my jeans, causing me to quietly moan into the kiss. My hands run down his sides and fumble with the hem of his shirt, but he pulls away, smirking.

"We're still in school, Barakat," he teases, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"Don't even think about walking away from me after that," I say breathlessly, the desperation evident in my voice. He had no right to make me hard and then walk away.

I think he notices, because he looks down and then back up with the same smirk on his face. "Already thought about it. I think you should go sort out your little problem," he chuckles, winking at me before continuing down the hallway.

"You're such an asshole!" I yell after him, picking up my bag and hurrying to the bathroom to "sort out my little problem".

Alex's POV:

To be honest, I'm not sure where any of that even came from, but I'm not mad about it. Luckily, no one is ever in that part of the school, so no one was around to watch. It's usually where I sit at lunch, since I don't eat and just sit around anyway.

A little further down the hallway, I sit down against the wall, pulling out my phone, revealing a message from Jack.

Friday, November 15, 2019

You're such a dick

Oh, I know ;)

I smile, tucking my phone away as my stomach growls. I tighten my arms around my stomach to muffle it, but just to my luck, Jack was walking toward me as it happened.

"Did you eat today?" he asks. I move my mouth to form words, but no sound comes out. I've always been able to lie to him- why can't I now? "Alex? Did you eat today or not?"

"No," I say, bringing my knees to my head so I'm in the fetal position. The confidence I had ten minutes ago vanished in an instant.

"Lex," he sympathizes, sitting beside me, pulling my head onto his shoulder. "You need to eat, babe, or you'll die."

"Maybe that's not a bad thing," I blurt, covering my mouth immediately. It's too late, though; the damage was done.

"No, please no, baby. That isn't a good thing at all," he murmurs, pulling me into his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head in my neck, placing soft kisses on the top of my back.

"I'm so sorry, Jack. I want to be with you and let everyone know that, but I can't. We have to hide. I know you don't understand, but it's all for you. I'm doing everything for you. If I was smart I'd stay away, but it hurts so much when you're the only thing that makes me happy. I'm damned if I do ya, damned if I don't," I say, rambling at this point.

He squeezes me tighter, mumbling "it's okay" into my shoulder every so often. The bell rings, but I don't move, and neither does Jack. No one comes down this hallway since the classrooms here are no longer used.

"What class do you have?" I ask softly.

"P.E.," he mumbles sleepily. "What about you?"

"Chemistry," I reply, sighing. "I should probably get to class since I have a test today."

"Don't leave me," Jack whines, pulling my back flat against his chest, kissing along my neck.

"I don't want to, but-" I gasp, cut off when he kisses the sweet spot on my neck. I feel his lips curl into a smile against my skin as he continues to kiss around that area. I turn around in his lap so I can wrap my legs around his waist, pushing his head even further into my neck. He puts his hands under my shirt, letting them roam the bare skin on my back. I involuntarily start moving my hips, tangling my fingers in his hair as he continues assaulting my neck, sucking on the skin there. He moans into my neck as I grind against him, the vibrations of his voice against my skin causing me to quietly moan in response.

"J-Jack, not he-here," I whisper, feeling myself starting to get hard. He detaches from my neck, making me whimper slightly at the loss of contact.

"You're such a horny little bitch," he says, just hugging me now.

"You're the one who started it," I shoot back. "I'm sure you left marks on my neck."

"I meant to," he whispers in my ear, pulling back to kiss my forehead. I climb off of him, picking up my bag to walk to chemistry, which has already been in session for ten minutes.



"How were you so chill with that? Y'know, after yesterday... I should've controlled myself."

"Jack, I trust you. That's why I was okay with it," I reply reassuringly, knowing he was referring to what the senior did to me yesterday. "It's not like he actually raped me."

"If you say so," he replies, standing up. "Remember, if it ever makes you uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop in an instant, okay?"

"Okay," I reply, kissing him briefly. "I'll see you in math," I call as I walk away.

"See you then, babe!" he replies, walking in the opposite direction.

One of these days, we're going to be together without people being in the way, Jack. I just know it.

You Broke Me, You Saved Me (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now