Chapter 24: Guts

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Alex's POV:

I text my dad, letting him know I won't be there for the weekend. I created a plan for how I wanted the weekend to go. I've put Jack through hell lately, and I was going to make this weekend the best one of his life.

After chemistry, I quickly go to my locker and leave before Jack gets there. I skip math since it's the last period of the day and I'm already doing good in that class. I jog the entire way home, relieved seeing that my dad is still at work. I pack a duffel bag of some clothes for me, throwing in a few things that were too big on me for Jack to wear, since he wouldn't be going back to his house.

My phone keeps vibrating with texts from Jack asking where I am, but I ignore them and finish packing. I bring $100 with me in case I decide to take him out to dinner, and if we end up just picking up some pizza or something, I'll have some leftover. I grab some blankets and pillows, throwing them into the back of my mom's old truck, which would be mine once I start driving. I turn sixteen in a month from yesterday, so technically I can't legally be driving yet, but I do have my permit so I'm not completely inexperienced.

School would be out in ten minutes, so I drive to school and walk in the front doors as the bell rings. I approach my locker to see that the senior kid isn't there, much to my relief, but Jack is. His face lights up when he sees me, and he takes a step toward me before remembering that we can't be seen together. He pretends to be looking in his locker while I do the same.

"I'll go out first, meet me at my truck," I instruct.

"How did you-"

"Don't ask. Just please do it."

"What do I tell my mom?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," I say, locking my locker and walking away before he can say anything else.

I sit down in the truck, starting the engine and putting in a Blink-182 CD. About thirty seconds pass before the passenger door opens, allowing Jack to slip into the seat beside me.

"Are you okay?" he immediately asks, putting his hand on my leg and looking into my eyes.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. Give me your phone," I say. He gives me a confused look, but does what I say. I text his mom with an excuse I made up about him hanging out with Zack and Rian over the weekend and not to worry. It sounded convincing enough, so I used it.

I hand him back his phone and he reads the message. "I won't be home all weekend? Wait, what's happening?"

I laugh, kissing him on the cheek. "We're gonna get away from everyone for a few days. Just you and I." His face lights up and a wide smile spreads across his lips. He turns the radio up as I pull out of the school parking lot, driving for hours until I pull into a pizza place, thinking it to be the best option, at least for tonight. Jack waits in the car as I go inside and order. Luckily, the service is fast because not many people are there, as it's after the dinner rush.

We drive for another ten minutes before I pull off the main road, driving down little country roads. I eventually slow the truck to a stop on the side of a field, well away from view. It's 8:37 p.m., so we decide to eat the pizza that was now cooling down, but between two hungry teenage boys, we didn't mind it. For the first time in a long time, I actually ate until I was full, and I didn't even think twice.

I look over at my boyfriend who had tomato sauce on the tip of his nose and laugh, wiping it off with my thumb. It was at this moment I knew- tonight would be the night I finally told him I loved him.

Jack's POV:

Alex gets out of the car and lays down blankets in the back of the truck, and I decide to help him. He takes the CD out of the truck, and it switches to the regular radio. Most of today's mainstream music is shit, but it's nice to have a bit of background noise.

We lay beside each other in the bed of his truck, staring up at the night sky. We don't talk- we don't need to. Being in each other's company under the endless night sky was more than enough.

"Thanks for this," I murmur.

"You deserved it," he replies, sitting up. 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran starts playing in the background as Alex takes a deep breath. "I need to tell you something."

"Spit it out," I say, feeling my chest tighten with nervousness.

"You've gone through so much just to be with me, and I appreciate it so much. You mean everything to me, Jack. I love how your entire face lights up when you smile and I love how much you try to get your hair styled to perfection every morning even though it's perfect no matter what. I love your voice in the morning and how whenever we hug, you always hold me tight. I love your kisses and I love being in your company. You make me feel safe and you give me a reason to be alive. So, right here, right now, I'm finally gonna have the guts to say this."

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Jack Barakat, I've known this for a long time and now I'm going to finally say it- I'm in love with you."

My breath catches in my throat as my brain processes the words. Maybe it's not a big deal to some people, but to me, those five words meant everything.

"You don't have to say it back, you don't have to feel the same, I don't care. I just needed to say it." He looks at me sadly when I don't reply, but I'm just too shocked to say it back. Of course I loved him. I knew I did.

My mouth fails to form the words, so instead I sit up and press my lips to his. He kisses back eagerly, and we stay there for a few seconds before I pull back just enough to say something.

"I love you so much, Alex," I whisper, kissing him again. He relaxes his shoulders and smiles into the kiss.

'We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time'

"Dance with me?" I ask, pulling away.

"Of course," he whispers, intertwining our fingers and pulling me into the grassy field. He wraps his arms around my neck as mine wrap around his waist. We sway to the music in the moonlight, young love filling the air. He pushes himself against me so his head is in the crook of my neck and his chest is flat against mine. We're basically just hugging and rocking side to side to the music, and it feels perfect. Quite ironic, huh?

'Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person'

I take my hands off of Alex's waist and put them on his cheeks, pressing my forehead against his.

"I don't deserve this, you look perfect tonight," I whisper just centimeters from his lips, going along with the song. He leans up and closes the distance between us, not moving for a good minute.

"Thank you for tonight, Alex," I murmur as we pull apart.

"Of course," he replies. I take his hand and lead him to the back of the truck, turning the radio off before jumping in with him. We face each other, sharing a gentle kiss goodnight before I nuzzle my head into his chest, draping an arm around him. He does the same, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you, Lex," I mumble against his chest.

"I love you, too," he whispers, kissing the top of my head once more.

That's the last thing I remember before surrendering to sleep, a smile curling the corners of my lips.

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