Chapter 27: My Only One

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Jack's POV:

I wake up with sunlight filling my room and a sleeping Alex in my arms.

Name a better way to wake up. I'll wait.

I smile to myself and turn around to look at my clock, indicating that it's 3:42 p.m.. I'm not surprised, since Alex and I didn't fall asleep until almost 6. My movement wakes him up and he cuddles further into my bare chest.

"I could get used to this," he murmurs sleepily.

I chuckle, kissing his forehead softly. "You're adorable, Lex."

"Mmm," he says as his cheeks flush pink.

"Let's get up and eat something," I suggest.

"Do I have to?" he asks.

"For me?"

"I guess."

"Thank you." I kiss his forehead again and get up, pulling on some sweats and a t-shirt. I throw some clothes on the bed for him to wear and walk downstairs, greeted by my mom.

"Good morning, sweetheart," she says from the living room where she's watching TV.

"G'morning Mom," I reply.

"I made pancakes earlier, they're in the fridge if you want to just throw them in the microwave."

"Thanks," I call back, taking them out of the fridge. I assume Alex won't eat a lot at first, so I prepare one for him and two for myself.

"Jack?" my mom asks.


"Alex can stay here as long as he'd like."

"Thank you so much," I reply, walking over and wrapping her in a hug. "He went through so much for me."

"I know, honey, that's why you'd better treat him like the gentleman I raised you to be."

"I wouldn't even dream of treating him any differently," I assure her, kissing her on the cheek.

"He's a good one, Jack. I knew it from the start," she says as I walk away.

Alex walks into the kitchen and sits in front of his plate, slowly but surely eating his food. I sit beside him and eat mine slowly so he doesn't feel like he's taking too long. We rinse our plates off and head back upstairs, where Alex just throws himself on my bed again.

"Any ideas as to what we should do?" I ask.

"We could play some music," he suggests, getting up and walking over to his backpack, pulling out a notebook.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Some lyrics and stuff. Get your guitar." I grab my guitar, making sure it was in tune before sitting on my bed beside him. I start quietly strumming A Daydream Away and he sings along to it.

We never stood a chance out there
Shooting love in real time
So we'll take it over ice tonight
With a little salt
And a little lime
You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place so I never have to lose

We finish out the song, and I turn to him, kissing him briefly. "This song reminds me of when I thought I'd lost you."

"Luckily, you didn't," he says, smiling. "I have this other song that I wrote awhile ago if you want to give it a shot. I already wrote the chord progression so we don't have much to figure out." I scan my eyes over the page, practicing a few times before I assure him I'm ready for him to sing along.

I didn't mean to make you hurt,
Didn't mean to make you hurt, hurt, hurt
What do you say when your heart's not in it, you heart's not in it?
What do you do when you just don't get it, you just don't get it?
Where do you go when you reach your limit, you reach your limit?
Cause all I know,
All I know is
You are my only one,
You are my only one,
You are my only one,
That's all I know,
You're all I know

His voice is angelic, I swear. I wouldn't mind hearing it for the rest of my life. Out of nowhere, I have an idea.

"Alex, what if we start a band?"

"What? With who?"

"Zack plays guitar and bass, and Rian is interested in playing drums. So, what if we start a band?"

His entire face lights up with excitement. "Oh my god, yes! That would be so cool!"

I chuckle and kiss the tip of his nose. "Okay, we'll talk about it with them on Monday during lunch." I put my guitar back as Alex gets up, putting his lyric notebook back into his backpack.

Alex's POV:

I walk over to Jack, hugging him tightly, just for the sake of hugging him. I'd never get sick of his hugs.

He picks me up and lays down on his bed so I'm laying on top of him. My head rests on his chest and I hear his heartbeat.

"I love you, Jack," I murmur.

"I love you, too, Lex. So, so much." He kisses the top of my head and runs his fingers through my hair, causing me to cuddle further into him.

After everything, we ended up together, living in this moment, right here, right now. I didn't know what the world had in store for us, or if our band would become a thing, or if I'll ever truly be happy, but I do know this- he was my only one, and I didn't care what the universe did to us as long as I always had his hand to hold along the way. This boy broke me into millions of pieces when he told me to get out of his life a year and a half ago, but he came back and saved me and showed me what it meant to fall in love with every part of a person.

He broke me, he saved me.

You Broke Me, You Saved Me (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now