Chapter 16: Is This the End of Us?

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Alex's POV:

"Okay," I whisper, barely any sound escaping my lips.

"Good," his dad replies, leaving the room. Of course, right when Jack and I are finally going to be okay, the world crashes down on us.

Maybe he and I aren't meant to be. Maybe this is fate's way of saying that when we separated for the first time, it was supposed to happen. They say everything happens for a reason, and everything that's happening is telling me to stay the hell away from Jack Barakat. However, something inside of me doesn't let it stop me from wanting to be with him.

This time, though, I need to. If I stay with him, it'll hurt him, and it's all because of his own father. His father isn't only blocking me from happiness, but he's clearly also blocking his own son from being happy.

I sigh, waiting for Jack to come back upstairs so I can tell him that I can't see him anymore. I can't tell him the real reason, because as his dad says, if I stay around Jack, he'll hurt him. If I tell Jack why I can't be with him, he'll hurt Jack. I hate how Jack is my weak spot.

My mind is desperately trying to scrape up a good excuse for my actions, but I'm cut off when Jack walks in, looking happier than ever. I can't take that smile off his face, I just can't.

But I have to.

"Babe, you'll never believe it!" he says, throwing his arms around me. "My parents know about us, and they're completely supportive of it! I never would've expected this to happen, but it did! We don't have to hide it anymore!" He seems so, so happy. My heart wrenches in pain, wishing I could tell him that his dad didn't support us. I wish I could hold him in my arms forever and stare at his adorable smile for the rest of my life, but I can't. I need to keep him safe.

"Babe... we can't be together," I say as quietly as possible, my voice breaking.

He pulls back, confused and hurt at the same time. Oh, the way I wish I could just hold him right now and tell him to forget I even said anything to begin with. "Alex... what do you mean, we can't?"

I try to come up with an excuse, but it doesn't work. I can't think of anything. "I can't tell you that."

"You can tell me anything."

"Not... not this," I whisper, standing up. He doesn't say anything, but the pain is shining through his eyes. I take him by the front of his shirt and kiss him hard, because I know it's probably the last time I'll ever be able to. I wrap my arms around his neck as he eventually kisses me back with his arms holding me close against his chest. I pull away, pausing for a moment before saying, "No matter what happens, just know I'm doing it for you. I'm doing everything for you, and you can hate me if you want, but I really don't care because I'm doing everything in my power to keep you safe." Before I hear him say anything else, I take my keys and practically run out the door.

Jack's POV:

What the fuck just happened?

Everything was going great no more than five minutes ago, and now Alex is telling me that he can't be with me? He pulls away from our kiss, our foreheads and noses pressed together. I feel his breath against my lips and I just want to kiss him again, but he starts talking.

"No matter what happens, just know I'm doing it for you. I'm doing everything for you, and you can hate me if you want, but I really don't care because I'm doing everything in my power to keep you safe," he murmurs. He pulls out of my embrace, taking his keys with him. I'm too shocked to say anything, and I hear the front door close downstairs.

Before I know it, my mom rushes into my room, worried. "Did you two get into a fight? What happened?" she asks frantically.

"He says he can't be with me because he's trying to keep me safe... I just don't know what he'd be trying to keep me safe from," I manage to choke out before breaking down. My mom's arms slip around me, which I'm grateful for, because it's nice to have someone to lean on. Looking over my mom's shoulder, I see my dad standing at the doorframe, just looking.

And right before he walks away... he smiles?

What the hell is going on?

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