Chapter 3

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Hope everyone is enjoying the fic so far. The one thing I'm trying to do with it is to show the more emotional side of Nialler. Enjoy this new chapter, it's my favorite so far. Comment please! :) Ekat


Alex’s P.O.V.

            I led Niall upstairs to get away from Harry. I was looking forward to showing him around the estate. Irritating Harry was just a bonus. Hopefully I could spend some time alone with each of the boys, and try to get to know them better. My other goal was to get back at Harry for overreacting. But I promised Niall I’d give him a tour, and that’s what I’m going to do.

            “Well Niall, on this side of the house there’s my bedroom and one guest room,” I began speaking. “Then down the hall there’s two more guest rooms. And if you follow the hallway all the way around, you’ll find the last two guestrooms. It doesn’t really matter who gets what room. I’m just really glad you guys came for a visit. Maybe later, we could all sit around, and get to know each other better.”

            “I’d really like that Alex,” Niall said with a smile on his face. “Now, which room should I choose? I think I’ll pick th—”

            I could tell Niall was about to choose the one next to my room, which is the one I was hoping he would pick. For some weird reason, I felt safe being around him; plus, Harry is really pissing me off in the short time he’s been here. As Niall was about to walk into the room next to mine, a duffle bag came flying from the staircase, and almost hit Niall in the face. The bag landed in the spare bedroom, and I heard Harry yell from downstairs “Dibs.”

            What could I do? I already told the boys that they could have any room they wanted. That was it. Screw the revenge thing; I was just going to put an end to all of this. Maybe if I throw him around a little bit, he would leave Niall alone.

I know I may be coming off as a total bitch, but I’m not normally like this. Usually I’m the type of person that’s always happy, and just enjoyed being around friends and family. But this whole Harry and Niall thing was just bringing out my inner frustration. All Niall and I did was hug, and he was acting like we were snogging in front of him.

I ran down stairs with Niall slowly following behind me. I entered the living room to see Louis taking Harry by the hand out the door. Then Liam came over to Niall, and told him to sit down on the couch. Zayn then took my hand, and brought me upstairs. When we got to the top, I followed Zayn as he picked out his room. He picked the one of the other side of the house. Figures. From what Harry’s told me about him, he usually likes to isolate himself. But he brought me into the room, and closed the door behind me.

“I think we should talk,” Zayn said, looking a little nervous. I think they could feel the tension between Harry, Niall, and I too. It’s not really that difficult; all you have to do is open your eyes. “And before you say anything, Niall and Harry are getting talks from Liam and Louis too. We just want everything to be cool, calm, and collected for the month that we are here. Obviously you don’t know me very well, and I don’t know you very well except what Harry told us about you. I completely understand that you got frustrated with Harry for trying to always protect you from every little thing, but he just doesn’t want to see you get hurt. I’m not saying that Niall would hurt anybody. Actually, he’s about as frightening as a baby penguin.”

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