Chapter 32

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Author's Note: I can't believe the amount of reads I've received since the last chapter. Over 400 in under 48 hours. That brings my total to over 3000! Completely amazed by this. Anyway, this chapter isn't as long as the last one, but it has some sweet moments in it. I hope you enjoy, and I'll update really soon! =) --Ekat


Alex’s P.O.V.

            Well, today marks one week of Niall being on his diet. I’m so proud of him. To be honest, I was really surprised he lasted. I knew he could do it if he put his mind to it, but I just wasn’t sure if he would. To me, that shows how much he wanted to get better, and perform for his fans. As promised, I’m taking him to Wendy’s today, and we’re going to pig out for lunch. Niall of course wouldn’t let me forget about our lunch date, and was skipping up and down the bus all morning. I wish I would have recorded it, because it was really funny.

            Today it was just going to be Niall and I. The others found this a tad strange, but didn’t question him about it. I on the other hand, have noticed that he’s been acting kind of jumpy the last few days.

            “Niall, is everything alright?” I asked him in a whisper in case he wasn’t comfortable sharing with the gang.

            “Everything’s fine,” he replied, pecking me on the lips before getting up to get ready. I didn’t buy it. Something was up with him. See, the thing about Niall is, his lying skills… well, they suck. Maybe it’s just us, but we had a knack for reading each other like an open book. I could always tell when he was nervous or lying, and this is one of those times. I didn’t want to push him, so I just let it be for now. But I want him to feel comfortable enough to tell me soon.

            “Ready to go?” he asked, breaking me from my train of thought. I nodded at him, and we left for Wendy’s. Today was our last day in Los Angeles. The boys had a few more shows in California, and then we had a two month break for the holidays. Even though Thanksgiving was an American holiday, Harry and I always celebrated; I knew Niall celebrated too. Let’s be honest with ourselves, do you really think there would be a holiday dedicated to eating, that Niall didn’t participate in? I didn’t think so.

            When we arrived in the Wendy’s parking lot, Niall started bouncing up and down in his seat. Yep, the father of my child is sitting in the car, bouncing up and down because we pulled up to a fast food restaurant. I swear if he asks for a toy, I’m going to need a birth certificate as proof that he’s nineteen.

            Security followed us into the restaurant, even though it wasn’t needed. The day before, Niall called, and had the place closed for one hour, so we could enjoy our lunch in peace. It’s not that we don’t love the fans, but Niall and I were really looking forward to spending it with each other, with no one else around. Plus, maybe I could find out why he’s been acting so weird the last couple of days. Niall and I ordered our food, and stood to the side to wait. We each ordered a lot from the menu, and he raised his eyebrow at me.

            “What, you know how much I like food,” I commented. “Plus, I’m eating more, now that I’m eating for two.”

            He just chuckled, and pecked me on the lips. “That’s one of the many things I love about you Alex. You’re not afraid to be yourself, and express your opinions. You don’t care what anyone thinks about you, and you’re happy with the simple things in life.”

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