Broken Promises

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"Selena?! Open the door! Open the door!" Francia pounded on the door and was twisting the handle. "What happened?" Raquelle rushed up the stairs. "I heard some commotion and she's not opening the door. It's locked..." Theresa walked over. "Let me try. Selena, it's Theresa. Someone very important wants to speak to you."

Abel's POV

I knew I should've checked to see who was calling before I answered

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I knew I should've checked to see who was calling before I answered... It was Selena's best friend/assistant. She told me Selena isn't doing too well and has been having bad panic attacks. I wanted to say "I don't care" but at this moment I couldn't lie. I remember her having many panic attacks when she was with me so I know she isn't okay. I used to hold her real close to me when she would have them.

"Who wants to speak to her?" Francia asked Theresa. Before T could speak, Selena opened the door. Her eyes were red with tears underneath them. Her wrists were cut which caused some concerned towards her friends. Theresa held out the phone for Selena to take. Selena was thinking it was her mother, little did she know it was her ex. Selena took the phone and held it to her ear. "H-Hello?" Selena spoke through the phone. "Hi" Selena froze when she heard the very familiar voice. "A-Abel?" Selena's friends all looked at Theresa shocked then back at Selena. "Selena it's okay. I don't know what's causing the panic attack but it'll be okay."

"But you do" she cried. "Hmm.. Probably because you're back with Justin who knows you probably found out he's fucking some bitch already." Abel instantly regretted saying that but it was how he felt. "This wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have left me. I just wanted you Abel, you! You promised me you would never leave me...never hurt me." Selena cried. "And you promised you weren't fucking Justin. Just a bunch of broken promises all we have." Selena pushed the phone into Theresa's chest before slamming the door. "What the hell, Selena?" Theresa put him on speaker. "What happened?" Abel asked. "You tell me, she gave me the phone back and slammed the door in our faces."

"Shouldn't have called me. Should've called her boyfriend, peace." Abel hung up before Theresa could say another word. The doorbell rung and Ashley opened the door from downstairs with Justin rushing in. "Where is she?" He asked a little worried about his girlfriend. "She's in her bedroom." Justin rushed up the stairs with a very annoyed group of friends standing in the way. "Excuse me ladies, I need to be alone with my girlfriend." Francia scoffed as she turned around. "You of all people don't deserve to call her that." Justin rolled his eyes. "What makes you think she'll talk to you when she won't talk to the ones who has been there for her the most?" Francia asked but was hurt when Selena opened the door to let him in. Justin smirked at her before stepping in and closing the door in their faces.

"Baby what's wrong?" Justin asked as Selena was seated on the bed hugging her knees. "You can talk to me." He watched her rock herself back and forth as tears continue to stream down her face. "I know what can make you feel better" he said as he walked over.

"I fucking hate him" Theresa swore. "Why is she so damn stupid?" Francia sighed. "She's not stupid... she's used to this kind of love. Abel gave her real love but he left her. He pushed Justin back onto her by accusing her of cheating on him with Justin. And telling her to be with him. This kind of love is all she knows." The girls were all seated on the couch downstairs. "it's a shitty toxic relationship" Theresa spoke full of anger. "It's toxic as hell but until Justin does something to make her completely over him this will be the same old story." Moans were being heard from upstairs in Selena bedroom. "Ugh all he cares about is fucking her..." Theresa stood up. "I'm leaving I refuse to stay and listen to this."

"You do know you shouldn't have contacted Abel, right?" Francia looked up at Theresa. "What else was I supposed to do?" Francia stood up facing Theresa. " can't you see what she's doing? She has so much pain built up inside of her. Her mother and her ex boyfriend, losing them caused her so much pain. And if you say she doesn't love him then you are outside of your mind. Think about it, she was so happy with Abel until he allowed his insecurities to get to him. Because of the fact that she's not with him no more and with the guy that she swore up-and-down she wasn't going to take back, her own mom left her. We are all she has right now. We can't give up on her. We need to be there for her. Yes, Abel was the best thing that has happened to her and he's hurting because she's with Justin but he also needs to realize leaving her was the worst thing that has happened to her."

Selena was laying next to Justin in bed. Her head was against his chest as he ran his finger up and down her back. "I love you" he told her. "Please don't say those words if you don't mean it..." Justin looked down at her. "Baby I mean it. We will last this time, I promise. I will fix you're broken heart. I promise you the world." Selena lifted her head from off his chest as tears were in her eyes. "I'm all yours Justin."

Hours later Selena was sleeping with her head against his chest. Justin woke up from his phone going off. He grabbed it immediately so that he wouldn't wake Selena up. "Hello?" He spoke in the phone. "Hi Justin, it's Hailey." He was shocked that she was calling him. "Hold on" Justin slowly moved her head onto the pillow before slowly getting up off the bed when his phone was vibrating. He saw it was Hailey calling. He walked to the door and slowly opened it. Looked over his shoulder seeing Selena sleeping still. He stepped out the room and closed the door.


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