Us Against The World

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"B-Baby.." her eyes were blurring from the tears that were built up as she gripped his sides. He was thrusting deep and hard into her. She bit her lip as she turned her head as she felt her orgasm coming. She let out a gasp as she shut her eyes tight feeling her legs shake. "Abel!!!" She screamed as she arched her back with her eyes opening but rolling back closed. He tried to keep going but she stopped them but placing her hands against his shoulders as she pushed back. "You want to stop?" Selena pushed him off of her gently as she stood up going to his bathroom. Abel sat up a confused and worried at the same time. She was acting funny going back to when she kissed him at her place. He didn't know what was with her but he wanted to know so badly.

He was laying down with his hands rested behind his head as she walked over standing in front of him. He looked at her seeing that she was crying. He reached and held her hand "lay with me?" She slowly nodded before laying down on top of him as he wrapped his arms around her. She had her head rested against his chest as she was listening to his heartbeat. "Are you okay?" Abel ran his finger up and down her spine as she responded "yeah." Selena continued to listen to his heartbeat as Abel wanted answers. "How do you feel?" As he meant about the entire situation. He didn't want things to be complicated. He didn't want things to be awkward. "I'm okay" she told him. "Doesn't seem like it. You were crying for the most part.." She didn't respond. "Selena?"

"I gave you my heart.. Abel. I gave you my entire soul. That's why I can't stop crying because man it hurts. Losing you hurts so fucking much that I can't do it for a second time." She got off of him as she stood up and reached down grabbing her shirt putting it on as he sat up on the couch. "I need to catch an Uber. I can't go through this again." As she was putting on her jeans Abel was getting emotional. "I didn't leave Bella for this." Selena pulled out her phone as she was searching for an Uber as he was looking down. "I never been so in love with someone in my entire life. You think you're the only one who is scared? You made me feel so low, you made me feel so worthless. Remember that? Everything was fine, everything!Yes I ended it but did you fight for me? No you didn't. You threw him in my fucking face." Selena slowly moved the phone down to her side as Abel looked up at her "How do you think that makes me feel Selena? Huh baby?" Tears started rolling down his face. "All I wanted was you baby and you didn't want me. Why didn't you want me" he covered his face in his hands. Selena has never seen him so hurt in her life. She held his head as she brought it to her chest as he grabbed her waist crying into her stomach.

She shut her eyes as tears were coming down her face from hearing the pain in his voice and feeling the tears soak her shirt. "Please baby I need you to stay. Learn to love me or something" she leaned down and kissed his head. "Baby, I don't need to learn how to love you when I already do. Baby don't cry, please" she rubbed his head as he continued doing so. "I'm not going anywhere. I could never leave you after doing everything I could to get you back. We're just two emotionally damaged people who is very vulnerable right now. We've been through so much just to give it all up. I can't be scared and you can't be hesitated. We need to be in this together. I love you baby." She saw him look up at her as his eyes were red as the tears kept falling. She leaned down and kissed him passionately as he kissed her back. "I am so madly in love with you Abel. You don't have to worry about a thing. We are going to be okay. We don't need to push our relationship back to get to know each other when we can do that being together. I want to give you my entire heart because baby you're the only who protects it from all the evil in this world." She wiped his tears as he laid back down with her laying on top of him. She kissed his chest as she laid her head against his chest. "It's us against the world baby."


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