Love Me, Abel.

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Selena's POV

I couldn't handle not speaking to him so I messaged him to know that I'm highly upset with him for not making an attempt to see if I'm alright

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I couldn't handle not speaking to him so I messaged him to know that I'm highly upset with him for not making an attempt to see if I'm alright. He sees the hate in receiving from the AMA's. You know what, fuck that. I'm upset that he hasn't came out and apologized for not standing up for me. I'm over the on again and off again bullshit. If he wants me then he knows where to find me.

"No forget that. I'm not about to message him if he isn't going to message me. I shouldn't have to. He's the one who allowed his shitty ass friend to talk crap about me. Then have the nerve to say he's going to apologize because they got in a little argument. Plus he's always bringing up Bella.. You know how that makes me feel?" Selena was ranting to Theresa who keeps trying to get Selena to talk to Abel. "Selena I understand but you have to talk to him. Tell him how this makes you feel." Selena was a bit annoyed "He knows how this makes me feel. When he doesn't get his way that's when he brings up Bella." Selena was packing for Kenya and then after Kenya it's London & Italy. She did want to make things right before she left but she wasn't for sure if that was going to happen but it's doesn't hurt to try.

Selena hit him up and he invited her over. "We need to talk" she told him while he was playing a video game. "I've been missing you terribly." Selena was seated on the couch with her body facing him as she spoke. "Not talking isn't helping. We need to talk about what happened.." Abel doesn't think he did anything wrong. He feels like Selena overreacts at times and this time is one of them. "I'm good. I don't have any type of issue. I've been giving you your space because you walked out on me because you were mad." Abel was on the couch playing his video game. "Can you like pause that so that we can have this conversation? It's rude..."

"What Selena damn?" Abel paused his game. "What Selena damn?" she mocked him "really Abel?" He sighed in frustration "You're making this bigger than it should be." He said as he was staring at her. "My crew feels like I shouldn't be with you. Can you blame them? You couldn't wait a month or two later before hopping on Justin's dick. You just had to throw it in my face." Selena was annoyed by his tone. "Obviously you're not over the fact that I went back with Justin because you throw it in my face every attempt you can make. I'm sick of the shit. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry for getting back with him but you left me! How do you think that made me feel? I was broken. But it's no excuse, I get it. How many times do I have to tell you I'm fucking sorry for getting back with that son of a bitch?!" She was so mad that tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I just don't know what to do." She was frustrated all she wanted was for him to move on from it but he isn't. He's still hurt about it and it's holding them back. Abel shook his head as he turned his game back on. "Fine.. I'll just leave since you aren't giving me any type of affection" she was about to stand up just when Abel threw his controller down and got his knees on the couch as he pulled her legs towards him angrily causing her to hit her head on the arm rest trying to pull her between his legs. "Dude what the hell?!" She rubbed her head as she stood up. "I don't know what the hell is going on with you but you need to fix it." He stood up "Selena.." she shook her head as she took a step back. "Baby I'm sorry" he grabbed her hand but she took it back. "You tell me you want me, you show me you want me, then turn around and do shit like this." She was in tears as she felt her head throbbing a little. She knew he didn't do it intentionally. He was frustrated. "I am exhausted. I can't be in a relationship like this anymore. I can't do this with you my heart is so fucking fragile and it still manages to beat for you. I  know I messed up but I can't keep on getting reminded how terrible of a person I was to get back with Justin, okay? I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry just please stop punishing me for it. I need you to love me, Abel." Abel pulled her in for a hug. He hugged her as she cried hard into his chest. "Baby I'm sorry" he placed his hand on the back of her head and rubbed it "I love you Selena and you're right. I'll do better for not only for you but for us."


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