💑 Risen with seeds

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maramartha thanks for the book cover 😘
Teefabulous I really appreciate the referral and don't forget our deal ❤️.

After spending the evening at the bar, celebrating the good news with Dr.Ahmed.

The happiest man on Earth; “he was at the moment”.
     This is the news he waited for!
      The news that had his family send his wife away!
      The news that made him hate his family!
       The news that made his wife cry day and night!
       The news that brought them a home!
        Oh!!  What beautiful news.

After a few drinks, he headed to his "home", the place where nobody knew he went.
He spent days, weeks and even months and it was nobody's business.

"Welcome darling" Amanda greeted still lying on the couch.

She's been sick for weeks but got worse the day before, Tunde had to call his friend Ahmed to come check her at home.

He took samples of blood, urine and even sputum, promised to send the result to Tunde the following day and guess what?

        “She's pregnant”

Tunde made it to her side, sitting where she put her head, so she'll have to put her head on his laps.

He kissed her forehead, then her nose and lips gently.

How much he adores this woman.
A woman that is dead to the whole world except him. And she never bothered.( Okay, she did at times but brushed it off after thoughts which doesn't usually last long.)

He was deep in thought; how much he loves her, how he would tell her the good news, how....

"Ademi!, this is the fifth time I'm calling you'',
''What were you thinking of?, what happened?, Have you collected the results?,"
Typhoid? Or another infection?

She kept asking, without even waiting for reply. She was about saying something else, when she heard..

        "We are pregnant''

That wasn't how he planned telling her, he didn't knew when it came out.

Surprised is an understatement;
''Please I need you repeat what you said'' was Amanda's response.

''We. Are. Pregnant''
Tunde yelled, he screamed.
He wanted to tell the whole world, he was going to be a father in less than 6months.

''For how long?'', I still saw my period last month.. how? what happened? how possible?''

''Well, you are 3months pregnant'' says the test that were carried out''. Tunde said with that victory smile.

Sick Amanda, tho she was getting better but decided to pretend to be still weak, so Tunde would not leave her alone for the night.

She stood up, went inside the room, with Tunde following her.
Took a box from her wardrobe, wanting to enter the bathroom.

Tunde stopped her '' how long have you been keeping that?''
   He said pointing to the pregnancy test kit with Amanda.

''Not quite long'' was her response, making her way to the bathroom.

He smiled and went to the bed, sitting and waiting...

He didn't even tell her the news in full, wanting to surprise her with that...
He heard noises more;like sobs and praises or probably a song.

   ''Its true''
'' I am pregnant, not one, two or three stripes, I used  S.E.V.E.N stripes and it's confirmed''

''Why would you use seven?''
Tunde asked
''Want to be Over sure'' Amanda chuckled softly.

It was planned, since when he was admitted in hospital.
They wanted to run away, Go far from everyone.

But later gave it a second thought and decided to go to a building, Tunde had at the outskirt of Lagos.

Nobody knew about it, except Ahmed who found out recently when Mandy was ill.

Amanda has been living in the house for six months now.
Tunde went there almost everyday.
    This explains where he usually goes, leaving the 'former house' for Bimpe.
He would stay for weeks and his siblings and Bimpe would think he went for official meetings.

Ahmed was angry about the fact that he's friend didn't trust him enough to tell him, but later saw things from there own point of view.

Now Mandy is pregnant, this is now his permanent resident. He would start moving his “important” loads, from the other house.

4months old pregnant Bimpe was waiting for Tunde.
He hadn't sent her her monthly allowance.

She also wants to go to her village, so she wants to inform him.
She's been afraid of Tunde ever since the day he scolded her and warned her never to leave the house, after seeing her having sex with her driver.

It wasn't sure if he will be coming tonight because it's already past 1am.

''Uhmmmmm, at least someone loves her and cared for her'' she thought (Adam).
She made her way to the kitchen to get chocolate chip cookies as it were her cravings ever since she got pregnant.

The maid in charge of the kitchen, had left it in a mess and went to bed.
Bimpe rushed to  her room, to get her clean the kitchen, not minding the time.

   Adam was there, in the maid's room....
She slumped!!!

Bimpe did not loose only the baby but Adams too.

Adams was married to that maid but playing games with Bimpe.
I guess the money he received from her also made the 'game' interesting.

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