💑 Mum!!!

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"Lydia! How dare you?, how dare you have sex with my husband?."
Chief Mrs said angrily.

" He forced me to, I would never betray you, I know how much you love me and my daughter" Lydia cried hard as she explained.

" I trusted you, i was warned but i didn't listen" she chuckled softly.
" You are fired!!" And Chief Mrs said walking away.

Ever since, senator Daniels forced himself on Lydia, it had been war for her in the house.
She lost her husband 3months after she got married. It was after he died,she got to know she was pregnant.
Nobody was willing to help. Her husband relatives blamed her for his death, she was an orphan and had no sibling.

Lydia had to seek for job and got one as a 'maid' in the Daniels mansion. She stayed at the maids quarters and that was where she even gave birth to Sandra.

Sandra was only 3 years, when her mother was sent away from the mansion, all because her mother's master forcefully took advantage of her and got pregnant.

When senator realized Lydia was pregnant, he got her an apartment, and took care of Sandra more. The love grew bigger than expected when the scan reported she was carrying a baby girl.

He showered love and attention to her and even started calling the unborn child 'Amanda' which was his mother's name.

Chief Mrs was never at rest all through that period, she felt Lydia was about taking her place.
She didn't have any female child and Lydia the maid was about to give her husband one.

Many attempts to get rid of Lydia was in vain.
There was a time she sent some guys to burn the apartment she lived in but thank God it was the period she went for vacation with her daughter and unborn child.

After several attempts but to no avail. She went after the 5years old girl (Sandra).

Sandra was kidnapped numerous times in school but was found under the influence of senator Daniels.

When she saw that kidnapping Sandra might back fire, she stopped.

Even before she stopped, Lydia had already given Sandra to her close friend to take care of.
So, she lied to everyone that cared that "Sandra was dead".

Before labor, Lydia requested to see Sandra, told her about the dangers ahead and explained all that was going on,
(Who would blame the small girl, she only understood a little).

It was her second mum(her mother's friend) that made her understood as she grew, even till she had to play along with her sister (as friends).

Aside both of them, the only person who knew the secret was ikenna.

WendyOpurum212 Thanks for been the darling you are.

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