The Wall

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 He stood up straight then turned to face me, the look in his eyes was something I was all too familiar with, but not from him; that 'I know what you're up to' glare

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He stood up straight then turned to face me, the look in his eyes was something I was all too familiar with, but not from him; that 'I know what you're up to' glare. I didn't like how easy it was for me to get his goat, I didn't like that I gave into it, but I pushed him further for an answer. Armed with all the sarcasm I could to disguise my sudden apprehension, as he drew himself up to his full height & headed towards me. I've been accused of being a mean girl more than once but I instantly wished I hadn't said it. I was clearly not a part of the sanctuary of this domain any longer. Make no mistake, as gentle a giant as he was, he was massive. Over six foot & more than 200lbs, with sure length of reach & leg strength enough to clear a distance at will. Not to ever be forgotten that he was a highly skilled agent with lethal discipline. Donatello was not to be tested. I would be able to defend myself if I saw it coming, but I desperately didn't want to believe there would ever be a need. I wouldn't be able to defend myself any longer than to find an escape.

He was so close now I could see the color of his eyes shift with his temper. The words came snide & calculated as he spoke; "Oji means uncle, April she's my niece. Her name is Flower & I'm pretty sure she came from Raph & Mona."

I was half expecting this answer I must admit. I was relieved but I didn't like the way that relief made me feel all the same, the searing ugliness of the moment had not passed. It was always his pacifistic nature that put me in my place whenever he was truly angry. I was embarrassed for showing my desperation, ashamed that I had to know where we stood but couldn't say the words. He might be quick on the comeback but he was slow to true anger, and this was how he showed it. I'd heard him speak with so much venom before, but never did I think it could be directed at me.

"I thought they had a child years ago." I quickly recovered.

"She's their youngest, April why are you here?"

He was so abrupt, I felt off balance. I had spent the last two hours trying to get him to speak to me & now he was definitely ready but I wasn't because Donnie could be brash, but with me he was never quite so bold. Why did I think he couldn't act this way towards me? I prepared myself, if we were going to do this, I had to be quick to answer. You don't just slip into an argument with Donnie, he's thought of every thing you could point out before you've processed the question. He would expect to fully engage or nothing at all.

"I wanted to come home, D".

He just stared until I let the discomfort wash over me. 

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake." My voice seemed so small to me as it echoed through the cavernous room.

"Where's Casey?" he shot back.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in almost a year" I said it matter-of-factly, but I knew he didn't buy it all together. He practically rolled his eyes & turned back to the table, keeping his hands busy, never looking up. I had been gone for so long and so much time had passed. We weren't children anymore. I didn't know where to begin so I started with the plain and simple truth; "Donnie you should know, Casey and I..."

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