Have You Ever Been In Love

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***multiple songs for your listening pleasure ;)***

"Mmm I bet you one of those guys that can't even be friends with an ex

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"Mmm I bet you one of those guys that can't even be friends with an ex." 

She gave him a scolding face. She was standing next to him in her little makeshift bedroom. Everything had been covered with trash bags, laid out & taped together. They were rebuilding the partition wall between her space & the rest of the tiny home.

"That has yet to be determined." He looked at the wall, inches from his face & began drilling into it with an electric saw.

"Oh what a passive aggressive way of saying you don't wanna answer!" She laughed as she finished pulling everything out of his duffle bag.

"What? How?" He turned to look at her, but she only ignored him & kept going, as she placed little cups & containers on the homemade tarp over the floor.

"Which also means there is an ex you still want to be friends with!"

"You are too much!" He laughed & stuck a strange looking pencil in his mouth.

"You can't have too much of a good thing!" 

Donnie pulled the pencil back from his mouth & she made a mocking face at him, as if to say 'you know it's true'. She had been teasing him relentlessly ever since he had gotten there. She stood & looked down at everything she had arranged on the floor. There was barely enough space to turn around, in the room.

 "Wow!" He mocked her back for being so lofty. He like her sweetly antagonistic confidence. He was never great at flirting naturally, but she made it easy with her little quips. 

He reached for a long, thin metal ruler that looked like a shimmy.

"So what about this ex?" She was looking over the different containers from the bag & stopped to hold up an oddly curved, sharp-pointed shank of wood. 

"You just want to know about my history." He casually slid the flat metal stick, into the slit of the window sized box he had cut into the wall. 

"I got you!" Noni jabbed the pointy wooden stick in his general direction."You're pretty easy to figure out!" She proclaimed as he popped the section out to reveal the hole he had created in the wall he faced. 

"Am I?"

He stepped past her to lean the big sheet of drywall in the corner behind her, avoiding the shank she wielded in her hand. 

"You can't gas light a Filipina! And what is this?" She said looking at the strange wooden tool.

"Where do you come up with this stuff? He laughed at her. "And that, Little Miss Filipina; is a tick stick."

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