The Coughing Snail

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"Hi, I'm looking for Nora..No-Jon...Johnny??? Iberra..."

Donatello was standing in front of a slapped together cut out in a concrete wall. There was darkness & flickering lights all around him, like an alleyway at night. The makeshift door was being jerked & kicked from the other side. A young girl could be heard fighting with it.

"Norjannah Iberra." She thrust her hand out in his face. Half an attempt to shake it; clearly annoyed by probably both the door & him butchering her name. "Um it's cool, just call me Noni."

"Uh Noni?" He paused for a second, confused; he knew this word to be anything but a name.

"Yeah, I'm Noni."

"Hi Noni, I'm Donnie." There was some kind of sticky substance on her hand & she took the  little kitchen towel she held & began wiping his off; wet from shaking it. He watched amused by her care for the stranger in her doorway. "You're brother's sick? Can I come in?"

"Yeah he's in here." She was anxious, moving out of the way for him to duck through. "He can't breath, he's got...I don't know, he's coughing up all this slime."

Donnie looked at her with eyes raised, waiting for a little more of an explanation; guessing she meant whatever was now all over him. "Slime?"

She motioned to a large round form in a chair, just inside of the dark room; "Snot or something & he..."

"Ahhh-aa!" Donnie nearly fell back as he was hit with the sight of a huge protruding mass that rose up from the round base of what was actually a body; to look at him. The eyes like two long outstretched fingers with bulbs on the end of each one, coming so close to him they almost reached his face.

"Hey!" the girl shouted as he backed them both up into the wall behind him. One orb like eye staring straight into his own & the other quickly retracted back, flush into a mushy face, clearly in fear of him.

"Uh.. I'm sorry!" Donatello was trying to make sense of the mutant just feet from him, in the low light.

"Aren't you supposed to be some kind of doctor or something?" Noni shoved him back, forcing him to approach her little brother.

"No. I uh..." The very unprepared turtle looked at her & then towards the mutant retreating back into the beat up arm chair. " I'm sorry I just wasn't expecting him to just pop up out of a!"

"So said the turtle talking to me in my living room!" Noni was looking him over like he was missing a few screws, & he really had nothing to say at that point. He had to remind himself a lot of times, the people he met here were still thinking of themselves as human & that their experiences with other mutants should be regarded as human reactions. Like they themselves were not irrevocably changed. Many of them were incredibly dangerous & most didn't even realize that, nor care.

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