Waking Dreams

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


He paused. I wasn't certain that I was breathing. I was rigid & still, my vision would not focus as if my eyes were clouded over. I was dead. I must be dead.

I was certain I couldn't breathe. My body was stuck as if I were tucked in too tightly. I was cold & heavy, tingling like I was suspended in the moment when you suddenly stop shivering, only because you are exhausted, & I was exhausted. My vision blurred, my eyes would not focus on the form leaning over me, the sound of his voice muffled as if I were under water, & he was somewhere above the surface. I wondered, if I'm not dead I must be dying; laying there like a preserved frog on a dissection tray. If it were not for the exhaustion, I would have truly thought I was dead. Yet the dead are no longer tired. Right? They no longer feel pain, I would assume, and yet there it was again. Pain so deep & sharp I remembered screaming in silence trying to escape it. Tears involuntarily running from my eyes, but that only made it hurt worse. Now at least I could pin point it; my whole right side from my chest to my hip, the right side of my head, my right eye; this was where it screamed. This was where I was broken. I was so tired, and now, I knew I could not escape.

There was a sense of relief in accepting my paralysis. I had decided in some involuntary moment between unconscious delirium & frantic awareness that I would finally listen to this man's words rather than only hearing his voice.

"April, please." He began again, gingerly. "Try not to be afraid, I only want to help."
I realized, almost comforted; he sounded so young. He was just a boy! I would gather my strength & over power him. I could take on a boy, couldn't I? Then I saw the needle hovering above my right eye, guided by a very large hand, gloved in some unnatural leather...with claws. Claws. I began to connect the images & it was clear; he was truly a monster! I abruptly remembered I had tried to escape him before. Was it hours? Days? It must have only been minutes as I remembered he had been in this same position; arm outstretched over my face, needle in hand, the little trident marking on his wrist; when I had awoken before. I had rolled out of this unfamiliar bed, onto the floor, & yet here I was again.
I shrank back into a mountain of pillows & stared up at the needle between his fingers. I could see them clearly, but I could not see him. It suddenly occurred to me that I was not wearing my contacts. All at once, I felt amused with the realization that this was the cause of my terrifying blindness but even more so; violated. He took my sight from me! He had put his fingers into my eyes & taken my contacts! I grasped his wrist tightly & he looked away from my brow, where this sharp instrument was aimed for, & blankly lowered his face to mine.
"Don't touch me!" I choked.
He straightened himself back up, pulling the height of himself away from me.
"Where are my god damn contacts? You took them! I can't see!"

The Ahh-ness of Things (or The Sentinel of Mono No Aware)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα