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I hope today will be better and I seek the answers to my questions. I reached the hallway at the right time.

"hey, Isabel, can you tell me what happened yesterday" Damon emerged from behind all of a sudden.

"seriously, you still want the answers"

"of course I do, you are important to me"

"really, am i "

"We are friends, right".i nodded my head but do friends kiss each all other issues I totally forgot about the kiss. did he really mean that or just a kiss?

"excuse me are you alive or not," Damon asked loudly.

"yes iam why are asking this"

"I said can we go for a movie, you didn't reply to me"

"ohh sorry I was lost in my thoughts, what movie"

"Your choice," he said with a smile. 

Yeah, I wanna see "I still believe you" movie, is it okay. 

"I told your choice no more questioning" .i smiled back.iam soo excited to go to a movie with him. I never gone to a movie with any boys.

suddenly there's a crack in the statue above the walls of the academy, I have an instinct it's about to fall, as I tried to warn Damon to move away as he was standing below it.suddenly it falls and the only thing I know is to save Damon and don't give a damn care about whatever iam going to do now. 
"Damon move away," I said and raised my hand with all the force and thoughts to stop it.
there's a bright light came towards the fallen statue and its broken to pieces like its crushed by something big object.
I pushed Damon away and fallen on him.i don't know how everything happened but iam able to manage to save us.we are inches away from the statue and Damon is wrapping this hand tightly around me.
Then there's a crowd coming towards us to save us.selena was there in the crowd and rushed to help us,
"we are absolutely sorry, we are constructing the building and it happens accidentally " said the worker and helped us. 

"Hey man how come this statue broken into pieces, if it wasn't there will definitely be a big accident ."

"maybe it's so old that's why it's broken into pieces. I think the academy should give leave to students until we clean this mess up.

"We are soo sorry kid" they all apologized. It's lucky that no one saw me.

I acted like I afraid and gonna faint, so they won't gonna investigate this furthermore.
" iam glad you both are okay," Selena said to us with tears in her eyes.she really got afraid than me. but Damon is staring at me like Iam not alive.
"Why are you looking at me like this".
"Did you... You... You did something and saved us didn't you".

I stammered first but managed to reply to him.
"What are you talking about "
"I saw you... If You weren't there then the statue would not fall on us and we won't be saved".
"Isabel, you don't need to hide anything from Damon, Tell him, you can trust him," said Selena.
" tell him what Selena, do you want him to think that iam insane like you thought of me yesterday"

"I definitely had no idea what are you both talking about, "Damon said harshly.

"you better stay here, I will go with Damon"Selena warned me and left".after some hours I finished some classes and they caught me up in the corridor. Damon didn't look astonished or shocked.

"what do you think is not crazy," Damon said.

"are you both believing me, even I can't believe myself"

"actually I heard a story like this in fairy tales but we can't tell what is true or not until we see that. Maybe it sounds crazy and I believe now".

what Damon said now makes me relax.i just got two persons who believe in me but I still have to figure out more about this. I pressed my necklace soo tensely which my mother gave me before leaving. now it hurts me a lot that she's not even my mom.

"guys, I just want to tell you that I needed to stop thinking about after finished our classes, we are going to the movie and then we can talk about this.okay are not?"

"it is done, we are going for sure"Damon patted me on my shoulder with a mischievous smile and walked to his next class.

in the evening we three joined in the entrance and left form there to the theatre. by the time we reached there, it is 6:00 pm. I really enjoyed the movie and in the meanwhile I absent-mindedly got hold of Damon's hand.i want to take my hand away but he isn't letting go.iam feeling much better whenever iam with him.selena is silent the whole time in the theatre.

"you like it"

"like what, Damon"

"the movie of course"

"that's awesome".

we reached the corridor and walking around the gallery because Selena loves painting and drawing.

"I feel boring here, how long do we have to stay here, "Damon asked her leaning on the wall.

"just a little while please". 

then I got hold of my necklace again and starring at it.i never really admired it but from yesterday when I came to know the truth, iam feeling so emotional on this necklace.speaking of which, I saw something that looked same like my necklace in one portrait.there's a sapphire stone which exactly looks like my necklace.i admired it and when I touched it, I heard a sound.

It gave a crack sound and the portrait begin to rise above and it showed away inside it. I don't know what to say, but I feel like I want to go inside. 

"what the hell is that"Damon replied shockingly.

"does our academy having any secret place to hide anything"Selena enquired.

"Hey don't you dare go there alone," said Damon and Selena nods.

"then you both come inside and see my necklace is matching exactly the stone in the portrait.

"hell yeah right," Damon said and joined me inside. Selena had no choice but to follow us.
But the portrait was not closing itself.
Then we three put over strength and closed it. 

"Come on guys now we can go"

It's so dark inside and the bright light is coming on the other we kept walking until the end came.

When I put my foot on the other side, there's a transformation I feel inside like I feel alive after all these years.

"the place is soo weird, its soo dark and there's no forest in our city. how come we came across a forest ?"

"I think we should go back, iam feeling somethings not good here," Selena said it again with a shacking hands.whenever she's afraid, her whole body is responding to her fear.

"Okay, now we are going back," Damon said and gone inside but all we can see is there is no way to go back. the way we came in totally blocked.

there are wolves sound coming all around us.this isn't getting any better.i never heard any stories like this before. I want all things back to normal.but there's no way going back.

"We should go further into the forest," I said to them.

"what are you talking, do you have any idea where are we or what place is this"Selena screamed at me.

"I don't know but do you know how to go back"


"Neither do I, now please we can move forward. we don't have a choice "

"no more talks girls. I think we are not getting back alive" Damon said. before I ask why there are many many different creatures surrounded us from distance. I don't know what it looks like a wolf or some other kind of a hybrid creature.


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