flying land

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we emerged into a new land."what did frank said"i asked.

"we dont know.he said que.whats a que?"katherine says.i glanced at the land.everyone here is flying.well anyone can fly with magic but they are having wings.the most wonderful thing is there's a castle which is flying in between the's that possible.

"you never told about this place"

"no more question about this place.we first need to find a place to stay"katherine says.

"what about your house?"tyler asked.

"its long way,we need a place to rest.we haven't got any rest".i started walking around a unknown place like a lost child.its good that my wolf is there for me whenever iam in trouble.i only helped once but it did helped me many times.katherine lead our way as a leader.regina suddenly fallen.

"hey are you okay"she got up and her mirror fallen.

"you are still having it"i asked her.the mirror helped us to see anywhere in utopia.before she replied i saw something flashed in the mirror.i took that and saw eleanor.

"everyone see here".

in the mirror:

"did you find them or not"eleanor shouted at  two guards.

"no your majesty but we are searching.we will surely find th"she snapped both of their neck before they finished talking.

"its a waste of time,you are going to help me find them mom.this is my daughters necklace.she has to be somewhere here"

"i dont care about the necklace even though she is my granddaughter.i have to stop them,they are going to the greatest witch.they surely trying to destroy us."

"my daughter wont do that"

"stop talking what i say"corniva ordered.eleanor nodded.

"fine,its time to use my power.i can track them"

"no need,i already know where they went.i gone there before them.follow me"corniva said and left the palace.they both walked without guards and stopped in front of the enchanted forest.corvina thrown her hands in the midair,a green light glowed there and a portal opened.both stepped into it.they fallen on the other side of the forest.

"its easy than i thought"corniva smirked and walked towards teh cave,eleanor followed her without  a word.


     "oh no,they found it easily.we should act fast" i gasped.

"dotn worry about takes time to get out of the cave." damon said remembering our long walk.

"hey there, are looking lost"someone unknown said.

"we are not lost"katherine said turning back .there's a young boy standing with empty hands.

"oh then i will leave".katherine hesitated for  a minute.

"would you mind if you find a place for us to stay".

"follow me"the boy said without turning back.

"can we trust him.i dont feel safe to trust him"i said.

"he's just a boy,he wants to help"trina convinced me.

"why dont you have a home"

"well i have,its way too long and this are my friends belongs to other side of the forest"katherine spoke for us.we reached a small house builted in wood.we entered it.there's a big dinning table.thats where i remembered i didn't ate for everyday feels like night, i missed seeing sun.

"sit here i will bring something to eat"he left the hall as he took our seat.i sat beside katherine and damon.

"your assumption is wrong.he is soo good"trina said who is sitting in front of me with kai.i nodded as he entered the hall with many dishes.i felt soo hunger seeing everything.he is soo kind of treating a strangers.

"so do you want to know about this kingdom"

"yeah, you and katherine can tell us"i said seeing katherine.but she is busy in eating without taking her eyes off the food.

"this kingdom belongs to cameron.she's the queen for a 20 years.nobody knows about our kingdom,but we know everything besides the enchanted forest,world and many other planets.the palace is flying cause our everyone power is flying.most of the people have wings but some families have other powers like katherine having ice power"

"how do you know that " i was suprised by his talk.

"cause she freezed my dinning table while eating"he giggled.

"oh iam sorry,i was unaware of that"we all laughed.he sontinoued eating while seeing his face and hearing the story.

"now you can tell about why you came here".selena finished eating.she started telling him our  mission like its a movie.she 's very excited in telling him everything.she even introduced everyone here.

"he didn't told your name"i asked.

"alex for short"

"anything about you"damon asked.

"nothing much to say about and my father are living here alone.he loves me so much but he's working as a guard in castle.he became harsh and arrogant nowadys,he doesn't care about any of my opinions"he seemed worried while talking.

"dont worry , if i can do something i will change him for sure"i tried to cheer him up.

"who's the intruder"someone shouted from their top of the lungs.i jerked by the sudden noise.

"dad"alex stammered.

"oh no this has to be his father"i muttered under my breath.

"guards come over here" he showed his hands outside and many came into the house.we all got up confused.i grapped damon's hand knowing something goes wrong.

"why would you allowed some unknown persons into our world.they are not even from here"

"i just want to help them dad,please dont hurt them"

"talk your stupidity to anyone,iam going to arrest them.katherine stepped forward at the moment.

"iam from here and cameron knows me very well.dont you dare lay a single finger on any of us"she stood up bravely.

"oh dear, no one can help.there's an order in which no person should not come here who doesn't belong to this place"

"what, queen cameron wont do like that".

"catch them"he ordered.alex yelled at his father to stop him but he thrown him into a room nd locked.i thrown my hands as a golden light from my palm attacked some of the guards.katherine freezed some of the guards wings.their strength of members started to increse.

"we should go now"i said to everyone while figthing with the guards.

"how can we reach the entrance"regina questioned me.i thought of  a way which never comes to my mind.i focsed more on my energy as tyler stood up in front of me and got hold of both my hands.

"what are you doing"i shrieked.

"dont use your powers,the house will start to burn with fire.they are our problem but alex is living here too." no, i totally forgot about him.if i did something related to him,he's going to suffer.i cant make problems to the person who helped us.

"there's a door for exit inside the house.follow me now'selena shouted as much as she can to make us all listen.he followed her outside while they are trying to catch us.

"wow,we got out if the house"i relieved.

"dont stop, go through the forest now"katherine commanded as we headed behind her.

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