happy ending

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"Are you okay?" I asked Trina.

"no" she hugged me and everywhere became silent. I didn't talk with anyone, rather I slept for many hours.

"Isabel, wake up," Regina says."you have been sleeping the whole day." oh really, I never did like that" I stepped out of my room.

"come outside now" she's excited. I went without thinking about what is it. the whole land was brightened.light blue sky, sun, clear and clean surroundings." It's like its been years I felt the morning vibes".

"Its really been years for us, "Regina said.

'hey sweetie, good morning' Damon kissed me in cheeks. I blushed.

"now everyone in here knows you are the true princess. I hope you will stay here.what is your decision Isabel"Regina asked. I don't even think about that. I want to be with Damon and he can't be here forever. I got no choice now. usually, I have more dilemma.what should I do?

"You look so confused. Just think and say"

"okay thanks, Regina" I went inside the castle alone.

"hey there, wait for me, "Katherine came behind me.

"what happened"

"I know I will go to my kingdom and I got my brother.thank you so much" I smiled at her.

"I just wanted to do one more favor for you"

"what's that"I wondered.

"I have the power to see the spirits so if you want, I will try to show your parents for one last time. what do you say"I  got excited and worried at the same time? I never talked with them in my life, but now I got a chance.

"sure please" I laughed and pleaded her." take any photo of them and follow me".I already have their photo in my pocket daily. I got that and she took me to a room, turned off all the light and brightened some candles. She got the photo and kept it in the middle of candles.

"hold my hand and close your eyes" she instructed and I did. I waited for five minutes without doing anything. then I can see a bright light even though Iam closing my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly and saw two figures in the darkroom.


"well mia, you grew up. Iam happy to see you" my mom said. now I remember my name is mia which my parents kept me.

"I miss you. I have never been able to talk with me" I sobbed.

"It's okay, we are here now"

"I have one doubt. I know this is the place where I have born. but I also wanted to go to my world.I don't know what to do"

"that's not a problem. I do what you feel inside. if you decided to go back to the world, you can still come here. both the places are your hometown." dad said.

"Okay dad" my hands have gone to touch them.but there's air only. They are not alive.

"I love you, both of you," I said with tears in my eyes.katherine is losing her energy. I can't keep on talking with them. they both said I love you and vanished.

"Are you okay Katherine.Iam sorry for making it long" 

"It's okay, you talked with them only for a few minutes. we both gone outside. the day went happily with my friends.we all laughed and ate dinner together. I never had a big group of friends. It feels so happy to see them smiling.

"I think its time to go, "Katherine said and Ryder nodded.me, Katherine, Ryder held each other's hand and Trina transported us to the other kingdom.

"will your queen still be angry"

"Cameron, I don't know. but usually, she's a good person.so she will surely understand her mistake"Katherine assured.

"We got one last job to do"I reminded her.

"whats that"


we knocked on the door of Alex's house and he opened it.

"Isabel" he looked astonished.

"I came here to help you"

"my father is here, you can't talk to me now" he got afraid. but I went inside the room and his dad got angry seeing us." why the hell you came here again" he started.

"Stop it, I will go now but remember you are going to be a good, understanding, friendly father to Alex.he should feel happy to have you.you are changed now. make m=him happy" I said everything looking through his eyes and he said"sure" after a minute. I smiled at Alex and I can see the happiness in his face.

"you did a good job," Trina said. then we came back to our land.

"I think I decided what I should do," I said to Trina.

"I want you to be the princess to this land"

"What, are you serious. you should be the one"

"I wish to go back to my world."

"then hear my idea.what if we both can be the princess.there's never been a two princess for a kingdom. I think you can balance both the world and utopia. The decision is depended  on your capability."

"Sure I can manage them both."

"It's a nice idea, "Regina said coming from behind.then you need this. she gave me a new mirror.

"through this, you can communicate with us and even Katherine. I already gave her one mirror"

"what, she didn't tell me that"

"I told her not to. now through this mirror, you can also visit this land.It will become a portal too"

"thank you, Regina".I went inside the castle to find Damon and Selena. Tyler collided into me.

"hey sorry, I was searching for you. I don't want to say goodbye. but I don't have a choice. you decided to go back. I will damn sure miss you" he hugged.

"Iam going back for sure. but no need for goodbye. I have a portal, I will come back whenever I want" I said ion his ears.

"Wow, that's awesome news I ever heard".finally I reached my room.

"can we go now," I asked Damon and Selena.

"We are ready," they both said at the same time. we reached the hall of the mirror and found our way back to earth.

"We did it" we are standing in front of the academy.

"oh no, what if someone sees us," Selena said and we went to my aunt's house.

"Isabel is that you" my aunt standing in front of the house.

"don't say, anything aunt. The truth is I went to see my mom and dad in Paris and you are going to totally forget about this month when iam gone missing.you are going to tell everyone Iam back from my hometown" I don't want to lie to her. but this is difficult to understand everything I went through.

weeks later: 

"Iam happy to spend more time with you, "Damon said."me too"I kissed him in the park and enjoyed the rest of the day going out.

"how's your date," Selena asked."a very good day" I blushed. Iam in my academy dorm room.

"what are you doing Selena"

"Iam...Iam...just..' she stammered holding the mirror Regina gave. I went to take it from her. but she dodged from the bed." well, Iam talking with Ryder, cant give the mirror back" she blushed red. I think something's going on between them since the boat ride.

after some days:

"Hey Isabel, how are you. Its Christmas time so Iam hoping for you to visit us" Trina said through the mirror.

"Iam so excited to see you guys.iam coming now"

"what do you say, "I asked both Damon and Selena.

"open the portal" Selena commanded and I laughed happily.

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