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Getting back on the ice is one of the best ways to start this weekend. As I skate next to Scarlett, stretching out my muscles that are still tender from the hike with Leo, I breathe in the beautifully familiar scent of icy sweat, artificially-buttered popcorn, and the tinge of stale alcohol.  When summer ends, I'll be back on the ice, playing against teams from all across Canada, representing Alberta as my team and I fight for the top spot in the league. And, when that is halfway over, I'll be travelling to Europe to compete in the Olympics, representing an entire nation. I may love the heat of the summer, but nothing is as sexy and comfortable as pulling on my skates and sweating my ass off. 

"What are you so chipper about this morning?" Scarlett asks, tapping my shins with her hockey stick.

I tilt my face to the rafters and the fluorescent lighting above us, closing my eyes and breathing in the familiar smell. "I'm happy to be back on the ice," I reply. "Is that a crime?" 

Scarlett bops me on the nose with her gloved hand. "Madden," she says. "You are a terrible liar. What's up with you? I still think you're lying to me. Eating healthy food and sleeping well isn't the reason behind all this energy or that gaudy smile on your face."

My eyes snap open and I direct my gaze to her. "I do not have a gaudy smile on my face!"

Scarlett's perfectly shaped eyebrows rise in amusement as she waggles her finger at me. "A reaction! You are lying to me. What's his name?"

"Whose name?" 

Scarlett and I both look over at Lauren Miller, one of our teammates. She's broad-shouldered with platinum blonde hair that's been cut into a pixie-like style, and she has a tattoo of roses and thorns up the left side of her neck. Lauren is five years older than me and is already happily married to her wife who, thanks to a sperm donor, is five months pregnant with their first child. Everyone is excited for the two of them, always discussing potential names whenever they get the chance to. Out of respect for their relationship, I've stayed away from that particular topic. What they name their kid isn't really our business and I find it kind of intrusive to discuss that topic with Lauren.

"Aria's got a boyfriend, Laur," Scarlett replies, shaking my shoulder as she displays a beaming smile.

Lauren's icy blue eyes meet mine. "Is that so? Do tell, Aria, do tell."

I can't prevent myself from rolling my eyes. "You guys," I say, hoping my eyes don't betray me while I lie to my teammates. Hoping that the memory of the kiss Leo and I shared doesn't come back and taunt the corners of my wanting mind. "It's nothing, okay? I'm pumped for a new season and can't wait to find out who is going to be named captain this season and for the Winter Olympics."

Lauren sighs and leans against the boards, taking her place beside me. Balancing on the ice, she wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to her. "Aria," she says, her breath smelling of spearmint. "You are a shit-ass liar. It's not like we're going to go on a witch hunt for this man and grill him with questions to see if he's worthy enough to date you. We just want to know how the prodigy of Team Canada is doing."

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