I'd rather have this seat instead

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Y/N was running late. Today was the day of her big trip from her school but yet somehow she managed to get up late, lose her special dress and burn her breakfast. Talk about luck! 

She sprinted through heavy traffic just in time to catch the bus which was almost about to leave.

"Y/N, when we say 9 AM sharp, we mean it. I didn't expect this kind of behaviour from you, but thank god here you are and you're safe so go and get yourself seated", said Miss. Thames 

Y/N looked around the crowded bus, there were no empty spaces at all. 

Except for one... Beside Alex Turner

"Oh no, please don't make me sit beside him. My trip is already half-ruined" thought Y/N desperately but the universe had other plans for her. Miss Thames urged her to Alex's seat " Hurry up, no time to waste now. I've made seating arrangements for everyone else" 

Y/N gave a queasy look to her friends who were sitting in the front and sat down beside Alex dumping her bag on her lap with a thump. He, who was scribbling into his book nonchalantly until then, looked up to her and muttered a quick hello. 

The bus ride was almost 6 hours and Y/N didn't know how she would pass it. She didn't bring anything to do thinking she would be with her friends having fun the entire time. 

She glanced at the boy beside her. He was now engrossed in a poetry book. Perhaps, she could borrow it after he was done? 

She looked at how his hands traced the words as he mouth read along to the words of the poem. His hair was covering up his eyes which he kept moving back. She smiled at the sight.

Wait, why was she thinking about him? She decided to go to sleep instead.  but that was hard when surrounded by 70 noisy kids. So she hooked up her iPod and looked over at turner again who was still reading peacefully. She suddenly admired him for his ability to cut off the world and get lost in the world of reading. She thought maybe she could ask him if he had another book but then dropped the idea.

After about a good hour, she looked at him again. He was reading John Cooper Clarke - They had some of his poems in school. She found herself smiling again but he looked visibly worried 

The page which he was reading was torn making the last few lines invisible. He was upset by that. 

"Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean; that's how deep is my devotion" Recited Y/n 

Alex looked confused. 

"That's how the poem ends in case you wondered " she added

"Well, thanks... I didn't know you read Clarke" He said surprised 

"You don't know me Turner" She stated the obvious

Alex was uncomfortable with her response. She sensed she was rude unnecessarily, so decided to talk again "So you like poems?" 

"A lot. I love to read. It helps me to write better" He smiled 

He had a lovely smile she thought "Wait you write? Can I See?"

"Uhm, a little. It's stupid. I don't show it to anyone" he was embarrassed. " Do you read a lot of.. poetry?"

"Well I didn't before, but john copper Clarke kinda got me into it, y'know. I went home and read a bunch of stuff and found it really interesting"

"have you read Edgar Allen Poe?"

"oh yes, Anabel lee - my favourite"

"ha, mine too" 

"Hey what were you listening to? like on the iPod" he asked curiously 

"oh that, it's silly -  old songs. Beatles, Queen. You probably won't know them" Y/n said consciously  [EDIT: I REALLY REGRET WRITING THIS LINE. GOD KNOWS WHAT I WAS THINKING BUT I KINDA LIKE THE HILARIOUS COMMENTS SO IT STAYS - Be kind Y'all]

"Are you kidding me? Lennon is like my favourite lyricist - I love all those songs" He said excitedly 

Maybe he's not so bad after all, she couldn't remember why she ever thought he was ever weird. he could possibly be the most normal person anyone could ever meet. Although he did spend most of his school time writing something secretly, reading. he spoke to only a few people and maybe that's why people thought he was weird. gosh, he was the best!

"My mom loves beach boys and she made listen to them all day yesterday and now it's hard to forget and I'm listening to them now" Y/N explained

"Well, Beach boys are that good. they seem to be all moms' favourite band" they laughed

"Hey, have you heard of the strokes?" Alex turned to Y/N

"I don't think so" she replied 

"UN-acceptable! They're like the best band out there. You HAVE to listen to them. You know what I'll make you a playlist" He said

"You'll make me a playlist?" Y/N laughed

"Yes, and then you'll also fall in love with the strokes"  Alex declared

"Okay, how about we make a deal? I'll listen to your playlist - ONLY if you show me what you write" she smirked

"No" he whined, "I told you, its - it's just, it's not really good" 

"I'm sure you will have done your best Alex, you think Lennon won Grammy for his very first writing. you know, you can improve if you get pointers from someone" She said

He thought for a while & nodded in agreement "okay, deal"

Rest of the ride went smoothly, Alex and Y/n chatted and got to know each other even better. They even had inside jokes now. Even during the trip, they were running towards each other to tell each other about stuff they saw or something they observed. They had pretty much become best friends.

When it was time to ride back, Y/N's best friend called her "I talked to Miss Thames, she agreed you can come and sit with us. At least you'll have fun"

Y/N looked over at Alex who was a bit disappointed now. 

Y/N smiled at Alex and said "No Worries. I'd Rather have this seat instead. I'm enjoying myself here" It was the start of a wonderful friendship! 


This one is kinda shit..but it gets better I promise!! Anyways, THANK YOU for coming to my book. Hope you enjoy it. Please vote and comment! 

Love  and bus mates,

Vee :) 

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