Are you wearing my shirt?

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You anxiously look at the clock while cosying up under the heavy blanket. Oh, how cruel the time is when you are waiting for something. Arctic Monkeys were on tour and were performing tonight and you couldn't be on there due to your work schedule. Alex had promised to call immediately after his set that night and you were sitting here wide awake at three a.m anticipating his phone call. You kept checking the time here and the time where he was, debating whether you should call or not - concerned that he would still be performing.

Just then, his name flashes on your phone. Your face brightens up. You sit up straight, set your hair right and then pick up his call smiling. 

"Hello love" he grins "It was crazy 'ere tonight, I wish you'd been here" 

"I wish too, It's terrible here without you" 

You tell him about your day and he listens to you patiently when Alex notices something. He squints closer to the phone to confirm and his smile grows wider.

"Are you wearing MY shirt, love?" he smirked while running his hands through his hair. You immediately look at your shirt in horrific realisation. He was right. You WERE wearing his shirt. Ouch, embarrassment. You hadn't ever worn his shirt when he wasn't around.

"So what?" you demanded, faking courage. He chuckled at your response.

"Nothin, I think it looks absolutely bangin on you" He winked. Your cheeks ran pink and your eyes refused to meet his. You looked everywhere but him "Honestly, you should wear me stuff all the time. It looks better on you than me" 

You were comforted by his response and finally met his deep gaze and replied with all of the honesty "I just really missed you and this shirt smells like you, so" 

"I love you so much" he declared 

"I love you too! and I'm annoyed you don't own hoodies - they are kind of my thing. Better for sharing" you complain, rolling your eyes.

"Which reminds me, Matt was extremely chaotic today. Got drunk and accidentally burnt some of our clothes for the tour and we have to go shopping tomorrow" he narrates the entire incident 

"oh my god, are you guys alright?" you ask concerned "Do you have any clothes?"

"Yeah, Me clothes weren't harmed that much but the manager said we can go and get whatever we want for the show tomorrow, so I was thinking about getting some shirts for me, now -" 

"Don't you mean - Shirts for us, Turner?" you grinned into the phone 


Hey, thank you! Hope y'all are doing fine. Please vote, comment and fan.

Love and shirts,

Vee :)

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