Just breathe, okay?

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This was probably your fourth nightmare of the week. Every night it was the same. The shadowy-man would bang on the windows and shake the bolts before crawling up the drainpipe and creeping in through the open window. He would just stand there looking at you, calling your name in hollow whispers, sending chills through your spines. Then eventually you'd be found, trembling under a blanket. In the darkness of this dream, along with the man, the mind would conjure up numerous magical beasts ready to crack open skulls any given moment. They would move in an unnatural ways maybe a limp or be severely hunched over your bed. Soon your breathing would increase rapidly and become gasps of breath. On awakening, despite the nightmare ending, a ghastly feeling of being watched by invisible eyes brings an uneasy feeling.

You sat upright on the bed, fighting to catch breath. Your eyes are widened, filled with terror, almost brimming with tears. You pick up the pillow and clutch to your chest as if your life depended on it and squeeze it tight. You are rocking forwards and backwards, still terrified. Alex was awakened by your whimpering and he notices you distraught. He immediately gets up, "Are you alright, love?"  

You nod your head copiously, tears flowing from your eyes. He wraps his hand around you and you rest against his chest. He caresses your hair softly, allowing you to cry to your heart's content. You nuzzle against him and mumble, "Nightmare, it was terrible!" 

He places a soft kiss on your forehead, "Do you want to talk about it?" 

"There was a man... calling my name.. animals. Here. Nothing is safe" You ramble hysterically while he presses his palms against yours, reassuring everything was going to be alright. He hugged you, "It's alright, It's alright - I'm right here. No one can hurt you. Take deep breaths" 

You tried to but you were far too disturbed at the point that even simple breathing was exhausting. You throw the pillow on the floor, frustrated. Alex sighed, "Why don't we try some grounding exercise. Five things you see around you, Go" 

You're crouched down, in low tones, you reply "Pillow, Blanket, Waterbottle, Curtain, Alex" 

Alex smiled, "Four things you can touch" 

"Bedsheet, My clothes, Mobile, Bed lamp"

"Terrific, three things you can hear" He prompted

"AC, Someone's motorcycle, neighbour's dog" 

"Two things you are smelling" you squint around the room, aiming to get a whiff od something. 

"Ugh, Soap and your hair gel. How much do you apply, seriously?"

"Not much!!  one thing you can taste" He argues

"I still have the taste of wine that we drank last night" you said hesitantly, licking your lips, trying to remember if there was anything else. 

"You did so great, just take deep breaths, okay?" Alex reassured you.

After the exercise, you were a lot calmer. You took deep breaths and were feeling relatively better. You laid on Alex's arms, "I'm sick of these, I want them to stop"

"We'll go to the doctor tomorrow and sort this out, okay? Everything is going to be alright. Now, let's get you some sleep, I won't sleep until you're down" He holds you protectively. 

"Alex, can you sing me something?" you whisper. He smiles, "Sure. What do you want to hear?" 

"No buses" you request.

He starts singing, you close your eyes to soak in the mellow voice filling the room. It wasn't long that you find yourself drifting off to sleep. Maybe it was because you were feeling safe cooped up in his arms or due to him serenading you. You both eventually fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms.   


hiii, my bday is coming up and i'm really excited hehe. hope you liked this! I recently found my love for no buses, such a great song. 

Love and nightmares,

Vee :) 

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