if you stay here, there's a little treat named me

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y/n and Alex kissed all the way across the lift to the lobby of Alex's flat. she caressed his hair while he rummaged his pockets for his door key and opened it, letting them in impetuously.

"Okay, I should leave now, I have to be up early - I have to put out Résumes and so much. see I told you I could handle being drunk" y/n said proudly

"well, you're not yet drunk if you're still thinking about Résumes y/n, we went out to blow off steam"

"I am drunk, how dare you, sir, I cannot drive AT ALL" y/n pouted

"you can still walk straight. do you want another drink?" Alex asked

"we just finished two bottles down at the pub al" y/n said suggestively

"so? what're are you tryna to say?" Alex smirked pulling another bottle from the cabinet

"we should drink some more and get sick tomorrow?" announced y/n

"atta girl" Alex burst open the bottle and poured some into the glass "y'know you're really smart and hardworking. you shouldn't worry so much. they were fools to let you go. you'll find a job in no time - I'm 100% sure"

"you're?" y/n looked at him

"yeah" he grabbed her hands and kissed it lightly "hey, stay over tonight"

"al.." y/n began

"no, just listen - I mean you don't have to be up early tomorrow and can definitely do job hunting from here and plus if you stay here, there's a little treat named me" he smiled

y/n laughed "so I stay tonight"

"yes yes" Alex continued "but then again day after is the weekend and you always stay over on weekends. so.."

y/n smiled "I guess we have 3-night streak here"

"also- what if.. y'know I have the whole next week off and you always stay over when I'm home, right?" Alex said

"right - so what're we looking at? one week now?" y/n asked

"one week yes, or more...?" Alex hesitated but with a glimmer of hope in his eyes

"Mr Turner, are you asking me to move in here with you?" y/n beamed

"terribly, but yes that was the intention but I got nervous. y/n, move in with me? please" Alex smiled

"yes Alex! gladly" she kissed him "it was pretty cute that you were nervous, who would have thought"

"well, I'm full of surprises" Alex laughed 


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Love and move-ins,

Vee :) 

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