I don't really trust your definition of sane

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"y/n!! wake up" Alex yelled, pulling the duvet off you. You open your eyes groggily and look at the smiling dork. You groan and turn the other side to go back to sleep. He walks over to the other side of the bed, falling beside you and shouts in your ear "Wake up, wake up, wake up" 

Alex had just returned from a long tour. He was very excited to be spending time with you. You glance at the clock beside you, it was 10 am. Boy, you had way overslept. You feel the chillsthe house is no warmer inside than out. As the daylight had faded in ice creeps across the windows as if spun by wintry spiders. The only warmth to be had is from Alex, who was curling up against you, staring at the ceiling. Wind rattled the pane of the window, though the room was heated, our breath was vapour. Alex's nose was red, and the tip of mine was almost numb.

But that didn't stop him. He was still amped up. You asked, "how are you so chipper? it's like freezing out there" He jump-sat on the bed, like when an excited kid presented with candy and went, "Date day!"

"We will perish if we go out" you mumble, drawing the duvet over you to keep yourself warm. He shook his head in a no, pulled you up by your arms "Come on, it's stopped raining and I have planned a perfect date" 

You grumble for a little while and then eventually wake up when you realise your objections meant nothing. You wrapped yourself in a warm, fuzzy blanket and walked down to the kitchen where Alex was making you some hot cocoa. He smiles at you, "Morning love, You want some marshmallows in this?" he lifts your best girlfriend cup, you nod your head in agreement. He gets back to doing his thing humming some strokes song. 


After a while, you are enveloped in one of your woolly coats travelling in car. Subsequently, we reached. A church. Is this where he was taking you to your perfect date? you wondered. Nonetheless, you stayed quiet, maybe there was a farmhouse or a pumpkin patch or a cute restaurant across the church. He got out of the car and started walking. you followed his suit. He was going towards the church, you ask "Why are we here?"

Your curiosity shoots up the roof when he walks straight past the church without entering it, but advances to a small trail of unused, muddy path; Rough, pale grass on the side. You carefully thread the path as to avoid any stones or rocks pricking you. Maybe, he did plan something after all. You walk all excited only to find, tombstones. Dozens and dozens of tombstones. A tiny shiver creeps in your spine. 

You stop in your path, placing your hands on your hips, "Alex turner, why the fuck are we in a cemetery?" He ceases walking, turns around and puts on an amused expression on his face, "It's actually a graveyard" Your eyebrows furrow, you hold up your hand against him and whisper, "Doesn't matter. We are not going there" 

His eyes quiver, a weird look on his face, "Why?" He seems genuinely confused. What part of having a date in cemetery - okay graveyard is inappropriate does he not get? You sigh, "it's so creepy" He still seems as confused as before, he walks towards you - takes your hand in his, "I get it, I understand why you would think it's creepy, But I think this place is actually nice... loving sort of romantic"

There was a delicious moment where your face washed blank with confusion, like the brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from the wide eyes. Every muscle of your body just froze. She fumbles, "How, I don't- How?" A small smile played on his lips, he grips your hand firmly and walks into the yard.

"It's pretty dope cause ya know you get to see so much love around here" he pointed at almost five people who were genuinely placing flowers and grieving near the graves. You clear our throat and ask, "Like Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones?" 

He nods, "Yeah, but no one really comes here unless someone meant tremendous to them. It's nice I feel. One day when I went to visit me gran, I found a little girl sitting and telling a lot of her life stories to her papa so he wouldn't miss out on stuff" You just give a sad smile. What do you say to something like that? He continued, " Also the epitaphs, so beautiful!" 

He walked over to one of the stones and pointed, "See- so wonderful" You notice the phrase We only part to meet again etched over the stone. It was on some woman named Rebecca left by her husband when she passed away; And then when he died, I guess someone gave the inscription as together forever. 

He moves ahead, "Oh this is cool, look"

Cousin Eddie - we all know you didn't do it

Okay, it was pretty funny. 

He moves on further to show you another one, "oh this is sad. this is of a kid" 

You almost didn't want to go there. This was sad. Death was sad. Imagine sate of parents that lost their kid. How would they have survived through his ever? but then you find a set of bright yellow flowers kept, you move towards it. A lady is sitting there, crept over silently. As soon as she notices you guys, she's a bit taken aback. You apologise for intruding.

She smiles lightly, "no problem. it's kelly's bday today. she would have been 17"

Alex says sincerely, "We're really sorry for your loss" 

You mumble, "The flowers are pretty" Alex gives you a look. the flowers are pretty?  The lady looks at that, "Oh it was her favourite. This quote - Lights will guide you home, is Coldplay. She loved them so much. So her dad chose it" 

We buy some flowers and place it near kelly's headstone. The lady hugs us, "thank you, oh dear you must be getting late. I'll leave you to your work" 

We walk out of the graveyard to the car in utter silence. Upon opening the doors, Alex asks " So, still creepy?" You think a bit and answer, "not creepy but I'm conflicted about beautiful. I'm also confused whether you know what the term perfect date means, like this was insaaaaane" 

"This was the most sane thing to do, it's perfectly sane" he argues, jamming the keys and starting the car. You roll your eyes, "Alex, I don't really trust your definition of sane anymore but this was kind of cool, so can we come here in the night and do some good ol' ghost hunting?" 


Err, so, wtf is this. I don't know dude, I'm sort of in a weird, crappy mood so y'all have to bear with it. kay? love you, byeeeee!  *cue in pink panther theme music*

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