Violence is not an option?

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It was yours and Alex's anniversary and you were out at a restaurant. Everything seemed perfect - he woke you up with breakfast in bed, showered you with fluffy kisses, sang you a new song and now you were in your favourite restaurant. Alex gazed into your eyes deeply when you were telling him about the time in your childhood when you solid believed that you were an alien who then transformed into a human. 

He was laughing, "But why would you think that?" 

"For starters, there are no pictures of me from ages 1-5 and my parents practically have no memories of my childhood at all! and my brother told me, he saw glowing at night once and talking gibberish ...but that last one seems unlikely"  

You guys were laughing and having fun. Your food was served and it looked exquisite. You rubbed your palms excitedly and dug into your food. You felt like you were in dreamland. But it was all proved too good to be true when Alex's ex pranced into the room with her new trophy man. 

Alex grew uncomfortable as soon as she walked past you guys. But he regained his composure soon enough and looked at his food instead. You give him an awkward smile and just chuck it. But just you could see her waving to Alex smugly from all the way across the room He just gives her a polite smile and tries to continue small talk with you, "So, global warming...what's up with that?" 

"It's a very serious issue - Everyone needs to pay attention to that. Global warming... more like global warning, right?" You start talking, but also were wondering why you went from talking about the best moments of your relationship to world issues. When you see that Alex seems distracted, "Is that-?" you begin, as your eyes widen and follow his ex across to the room where she was being seated. Wow, you had a clear view of them. 

"Yes" Alex cuts you off before you could even complete the sentence while attacking his pasta with fork harshly. "I'm sorry. Let's just ignore 'em. This is our day" he clears his throat and places his hands on the table waiting for you to hold it. You lean for his hand and tangle your fingers with his "I would like that very much" 

Very then, You hear a loud shriek and you, along with other diners in the restaurant turn towards the noise. It's her, of course, it's her. How is it so shocking! But what's actually shocking is her boyfriend is on his knees with a ring. She gulps her entire drink, looks at all the gawking faces and says yes! Whole of the restaurant burst into claps, the waiter offers them free dessert and the girl beside us... is in tears.

After everything, she glances over at our table moving her hand at random, clearing flaunting her ring - smiling in a cheeky way. Alex has now reached a whole new level of uncomfortable and also kind of pissed. 

"Are you okay...?" you ask in a concerned tone. He just nods, "she just... she told me she didn't want to get married, ever. That's why we ended." You were unsure what to say, so you decided to be quiet and gave him a gentle squeeze on his hand. And now she was yelling at the waiter for getting them a wrong "free" dessert. By the time she was here, she was throwing dirty looks at Alex and you, made several scenes and was rude to everyone humanly possible. Ugh.

Alex didn't like talking about them. You just knew didn't end well. Not end well, not meaning, lots of arguments and throwing of stuff; Not well being they-broke-up, she broadcasted all over the news falsely that he cheated and some other fake stuff about him and then his reputation took a whole toll. You were appaled at her. How could anyone do anything like that!? that too to such a precious human being.

"Look at her, such an evil person" you grumble as you finish the last bite of your meal. Alex looks over, confused "She's just drinking water" 

"Are you sure I can't punch her in the face?" you ask suddenly putting your fork down on the table, your eyes determined. He is flabbergasted "What? No"

"Just break her nose a little. I've been told I'm a great puncher" you present your argument as you make an imaginary fist into the air to demonstrate to him. He gives you an are-you-serious look, "No! also, who told you that and who all have you punched?"

"Not the talk for today, what about something non-violent - like pulling her hair?" 

"That's Non-violent?" he asks giving you incredulous look " Violence is not the answer"

"But it is an option" you wink at him, hoping he would get on board with your crazy ideas. he stayed put, took a deep breath and replied "Just let it go, it don't matter, love. I'm with you now. I'm very happy. let's not ruin our day by her"

"Ugh, pathetic" you roll your eyes and pick up your purse, "lemme run to the ladies room, get the cheque please" You were still upset by her but nonetheless it was Alex's concern and he was specific for you not to do anything stupid, so you decided to respect his words; While you were fixing you makeup, the ex stumbled into the bathroom - a little tipsy and grabbed a wall for support. 

She came and stood next to you and shot daggers at you. You pretended not to notice and continued applying your lipstick. Upon not getting enough attention, she finally spoke up "You know, he's going to break up with you. I mean, no fault of yours - you're... pretty?" A fresh swell of rage rose in you, you clenched your fists tightly almost hurting your hands and whispered under your breath "calm down, don't do anything stupid"

She continued, "But he's always going around being disloyal, fucking up and getting high. You're gonna support him all through this and then one day he'll get bored of you, find someone younger and dump you. I'm tell this for your own good, break up with him"  

Ok, that's it! No one -  No one could talk about Alex like that. 

You didn't want to sound rattled by her words which had clearly got under your skin, so you take a moment to take a deep breath and compose yourself. You turn to face her, "Thank you for being concerned about me but I think I can tell the judge my life better. And I don't know what kind of fucked up childhood you had that made you like this, like who hurt you, seriously? I'm truly sorry - I hope you find some peace" 

You start to walk away almost feeling too proud when she shouts, "You're a bitch. You aren't even pretty. And he loved me, he's going to come back"  You glare at her, when your lipstick falls off to the floor accidentally and rolls down to the other corner. You sit down to pick it up and notice her long legs leaving, you fight the chaos of your rage, eventually letting it to win and silently crept in front of her legs. She, who was busy staring into outer space, was brought down with a thud. You pick up your lipstick real quick and run out of the bathroom.

Alex, who was standing looking at his phone, was taken aback by you pulling him by his shirt and yelling "We have to get out of here, quick" 

"What'd you do?" Alex asks with a disappointed look, fastly pacing his steps to catch up with you. You giggle, "I made her trip. It was really fun" 

"I told you- Why did you do it?" 

"Because, there's no limit to the length of dickheads we can be" you recite his song smugly and he looks uninterested, "My own lyrics are my downfall" 

"It was funny..." you say as you get into the car. He shakes his head profusely "not!" 

"Come on, admit it you would have killed to see her trip. She lowkey deserved it." 

"Okay, maybe a little funny" he smiles and drives away.


Oh thank you for 3k! When I wrote the first one, I never expected anyone to read this, and look at this now lmao. Thank you so much, I appreciate you guys so so much! 

So, social distancing really be getting to me! I thought I would get a lot of writing done but somehow I'm busier than ever now and our school is giving us so many assignments in the name of "academic engagement is very important" ugh

So how y'all? Hope you are all doing great! hope you liked this - I wrote it in a hurry and scrambled mind. Sending much love and health your way!

Vee :) 

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