Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader

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After being demoted from master assassin to novice rank Altaïr had to do various missions in order to earn back his rank. One of his mission he was to provide safe passage for a wealthy merchant and his daughter to Acre. To say he was not happy was an understatement, he was an assassin and not a bodyguard for some greedy old man and his spoiled brat. Since when did the Brotherhood engage in such affairs. In more of a bad mood than usual he rode to meet the merchant and his daughter.  Upon reaching them he already had gotten two horses for them both. They saddled and rode for Acre.
"I appreciate the time you took from your usual work to help us", the merchant broke the silence. Altaïr barely acknowledge him.
The merchant's daughter however was having none of Altaïr's attitude, "Do you think us as an inconvenience for you and if so then leave us be. We will find our way to Acre just as well without you", she spat scowling at Altaïr.
"(Y/n) that's enough. I will not have you disrespect our escort", the middle aged man reprimanded his daughter.
Altaïr's clenched his jaw at the word escort.
"But father-".
"I said enough", he shouted.
A tense silence settled on the three. At last they made it to Acre, the merchant thanked Altaïr and apologized for his daughter. Altaïr had completed his mission though it was a complete waste of time in his option.

Such time passed Altaïr was returning from Jerusalem to Mysaf on horse back when in the distance he saw two people struggling with a group of men. He forced his horse to a gallop as he came closer he saw that the group of man were bandits robbing a middled aged man and a young woman. Unsaddling his horse he ran to help when the young woman kicked one of the bandits and he went flying backwards taking with him some of his companions. The others stood shocked as was Altaïr. One of them sneered taking out a dagger and attacking the woman, she kicked the sand in his eyes took hold of the hand that held the dagger and twisted it. He cried out loud dropping the dagger and to his knees. She caught the dagger mid fall kneeing him in the throat before moving to his companions. In minutes all the bandits were down all unconscious. Altaïr could not believe what he just witnessed, the woman ran to the middle aged man, "Father are you alright, you are not hurt are you", she looked him over.
"Do not fret child I am quite alright. Though that was unnecessary.", he pointed to the unconscious men, "This is precisely why I insisted on an escort. I do not want you hurt my child". The woman looked down.
"Ahh young man we seem to cross paths again", the middled aged man said having spotted Altaïr. That was when Altaïr realised it was the merchant and his daughter. She had got up so quickly scowling at him.
"What do you want", she hissed.
"(Y/n)", the merchant warned.
Regaining his composure, "I had no idea your daughter could fight", Altaïr said and (Y/n) scoffed. He continued, "I do not see the reason why I was asked to accompany you".
"Ahh yes, I wanted my daughter to not be disadvantaged in any way but it does not mean putting her at risk at all times. Besides we are not of these lands you know them better, choosing a much safer route", the merchant explained. Altaïr nodded in understanding.
"And now will be on our way", (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at Altaïr before turning to walk away.
But (Y/n)'s father asked Altaïr if he would accompany them, (Y/n) was not happy about it and Altaïr agreed just to ink her further.

"And that is how your mother and I met", Altair spoke to his son.
"She did not like you one bit".
"No she did not".
"So how did you get her to like you", his son asked eyes full of curiosity.
Altaïr chuckled, "That is a tale for another day now off to bed".


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