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I miss Quinton a lot even though he's only been in LA for a couple of days. We'd FaceTime but it wasn't the same, but it'll have to due for now. But Caden was keeping me company most of the time, making sure to keep me occupied by teaching me knew dances.

He had showed up to my house with pizza and we just talked and watched Disney+. My phone started to go off and I smiled seeing it was Quinton FaceTiming me. I clicked accept.

"Hey baby" he said with a big smile on his face, his hair all disheveled but it was cute.

"Hi, babe, I miss you" I said as took a bite of my slice of pizza. "Come back soon"

"I will baby, I hope your not too lonely with out me" He said leaning against his hand.

"Not too much, Caden's keeping me company" I said switching the camera to show Caden scrolling through his phone sprawled out across the other side of my bed.

"Hey man, hows LA" Caden said waving.

"It's fun, thanks for looking after Y/n while I'm gone"

"No problem, better than laying in my bed all day"

"Yeah, but now your laying in my bed" I said, Caden rolled his eyes at me and I laughed.

"I really miss you a lot too though" Quinton said and I switched the camera back to me, his hoodie wrapped over my body on display. He smiled at the sight of the oversized sweatshirt. "Your wearing my hoodie"

"Yeah, because I miss you and it reminds me of you"

"Ew, stop being all mushy with each other" Caden says throwing a pillow at me and I dodge it.

"Shut up"

Quintons POV

I sighed as we finished up our two hour call. I miss Y/n so much. And it made me nervous about all the time Y/n and Caden spent together. Although I'm glad that my best friend and girlfriend get along( I was scared that Caden thought of Y/n as something more.

Of course I trust Y/n, why wouldn't I, I have no reason not to. But it was Caden that I was worried about. Caden's my best friend but he's a big flirt sometimes, it makes me have a weird feeling that he could steal my girl away from me. He was a better dancer than me, he was taller than me and lot of the girls at our school loved his hair. He always got the girl he wanted but if he wants Y/n he's sure as hell not gonna get her. But I love Caden and I should trust him, but it's just a bad feeling in the back of my mind that lingers there.

𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now