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Y/n couldn't count the days she had spent crying over Griffin, mopping and waiting for him to call and say he was sorry, to say he truly loved her. She wanted him to come to her house and say that the girl had come on to him and he didn't have to time to react, that it was all a miss understanding and a drunken mistake. But he never did.

Day and weeks went by turning into months and she never saw him. He never apologized, he didn't even care. He was out partying, going through girls like shots.

And Y/n just sat in her bed, wondering what she did wrong or why the good lord was making her go through this. She wondered if he even cared about her one bit, if he had just played her to show her off like his next meal. She wondered if she had wasted almost a year with him and if she just wasted his time.

Y/n didn't eat for days. She didn't leave her room, she didn't even show up to work. Resulting in her getting fired. Her friends told her she looked like shit, crawled up in her bed with a hoodie and sweatpants, her eyes red with bags.

But then something amazing happened. Something in her decided that she was going to get revenge on him. She was going to show him what he gave up and what he missed out on.

The old Y/n was long gone, the quiet girl with no confidence. And here the new Y/n was, sweet and beautiful. Y/n made it her job to be nice to people even though through he life other people weren't really nice to her. She went out of her way to be the best person she possibly could, and no boy would ever ruin that.

Though she did keep her eyes out for a genuinely sweet guy she knew that she wouldn't find one that easily though.

She thought if she was nice to people than they would be nice to someone else creating a domino effect.

But one day she questioned her new self.


"Hello?" I answered my phone as I sat down on my bed.

"Y/n?" Oh crap. I would have never though this would happen. Why would he call me? Did he want to tell me he hated me?

"Y-yeah. Um, hi, how are you doing" I knew how he was doing, living in Cali with his internet friends and having the time of his life.

"I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good" I tried to sound happy "I didn't expect to hear from you"

"Yeah, I know. But I want to talk to you"


"Yeah, I um, want to fly you out there" The heck? He wants to fly his ex out to him? The last thing I told him was that I hate him and I never wanted to see him again.

"You what?"

"I want to fly you out here to talk to you, I miss you" is he crazy?!


"I know it's weird but I just want to talk" He was insane, he actually thinks he can call one day after breaking my heart and never saying anything to me about it. But I made a promise to myself, to be kind to everyone no matter who they were.

"Um, I guess I could" What was I saying? Am I really going to do this?

"Okay I'll buy you a ticket"

"No, you don't have to. I'll get a ticket and a hotel room"

"You could stay with me" Yeah, he's definitely crazy.

"I don't think that's appropriate" I said and heard him sigh.

"Your right"


I took a deep breathe before texting Griffin I was here. I was really about to talk to my ex after almost a year after he broke me. And we where both crazy for going through with this. I just hope he's not a jerk, well he is for what he did but I remember my promise and I'm not breaking it. He's not gonna make me break that promise.

"Y/n?" He asked opening the door to his house. He had a slight glow up from the last time I saw him, he had stubble on his face and he looked less slender than he was before.

I put a fake smile on. "Hey"

"You look great" he said eyeing me for a second. "Come in"

He introduced me to his friends and it was kind of awkward just under the circumstances and stuff. His friends and roommates were all really nice. He seemed happy though, which made me happy for him.

We sat on the balcony to talk and I got nervous. Was he going to bash me for never trying to get us back together? I was almost shaking because I so desperately wanted to go home and crawl up in my bed like I did for almost four months.

"I know this is really weird, I get it if you don't really want to be here" Griffin started. "But I just miss you a lot" he misses me?


"You really have changed" He said.

"Yeah, for the better" I smiled.

"How are you still smiling? You're sitting with your ex who was a dick to you and you're smiling?" I didn't know what to say to that. "I want you back so bad"

"Griffin I-"

"Yeah, your probably going to tell me there's someone else because why wouldn't there be? Look at you, your so beautiful and you have really matured. I just miss everything about you. I want you back. I'm sorry for everything"

"Griffin, you can't just fly me out here random after not talking to me for almost a year and tell me how much you want me back"


"No, I've changed Griffin, I'm not that same shy girl I used to be. And I'm trying so hard to be nice to you but you just don't get it. You can't just walk back into my life like this"

"Y/n, I love you and I really am sorry"

"You can't love me you don't know how I am anymore. Griffin I'm sure your an amazing person but it just won't work out with us because of our past. But I want to thank you"

"Thank me?" He asked confused.

"For making me realize that I need to be the best person I can possibly be. I want to end this chapter of my life on a good note so I hope you don't hate me"

"I could never hate you"

"Alright, well this is it" I said standing up. "Good bye Griffin, you'll do amazing things"

"Good bye, Y/n"

I sent him one final smile before leaving him... for good. This part of my life is gone now, it won't hold me back because now I know that I can move on. I'm finally have closure.

𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now