𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑| 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞

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This man is fine doe

Vinnie and Y/n walked into the loud and alcohol filled party hand in hand

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Vinnie and Y/n walked into the loud and alcohol filled party hand in hand. But then Y/n spotted her friends and went to them, leaving Vinnie to find his friends.

Y/n was always the life of the party but Vinnie always made sure she never went over her limit and he kept a close eye on her.

"Hey bro" His friend greeted him, a drink in his hand. "Where's your girl?"

"Probably somewhere getting drunk"

"Hey we should too" His friend suggested. Vinnie never really drank because he wanted to make sure Y/n was okay, plus someone had to drive home.

"Nah man, gotta make sure Y/n's okay"

"Well, at least someone here is sober then"

It was hard to be sober at parties but Vinnie wouldn't fall into the per pressure, he never did. Y/n on the other hand has a problem with saying no to people that's why Vinnie watched her so closely, just to make sure no one took advantage of her.

"Okay then, make sure she's okay, I'll catch you later"

"Alright, go find yourself a girl or something"

"Easy for you to say, you already have a pretty girl"

He didn't like it when people called his girlfriend pretty or beautiful, it made him jealous. But he didn't want to say anything and be that guy that had a problem with every guy that looked at his girl. Little did he know most people that knew of their relationship looked at him like that, the whole school did.

Meanwhile Y/n was dancing with her friends, laughing and having a good time with a mango white claw in her hand. Any guy would turn their head and look at her, but most of them knew she belonged to Vinnie. And any guy that would dare to touch or flirt with Y/n would be sorry.

Vinnie had Y/n in his eye sight and leaned against the counter. She looked so beautiful to him, her hair moving around behind her as she danced and the sight of her laughing made him smile to himself. But she also looked hot to him too he couldn't deny it.

"Vinnie! I thought you'd never get here" one of his drunk friends comes up to him.

"Well I'm here now"

They talked for a while but it's hard to have conversations with drunk people, although it's funny.

Vinnie looked over in Y/n's direction and spotted a guy eyeing her, looking her up and down like she was his next pretty. Vinnie clenched his jaw and scowled at the guy.

"Just go dance with her, guys will get the point" For a drunk person his friend was right.

"Yeah, I'll do that" Vinnie got up. "Also, pace yourself"

"Man! I'm getting hammered tonight!"

Vinnie went behind Y/n and wrapped his arms around her waist. she tensed and turned around to tell the guy that she thought was on her that she had a boyfriend but was met by Vinnie's attractive face.

"Relax baby, it's just me" Vinnie pulls her body into his, swaying them back and forth. Y/n smiled and leaned up to kiss him quickly, the slight taste of alcohol on her lips.

They danced together for a while until Vinnie saw a couple of his friends struggling to walk because of how messed up they got.

"I'm gonna go help them, I'll be close by if you need me" He kisses her forehead before heading to help out his friends.

Y/n went back to dancing with her friends, having the time of her life and getting even more drunk.

"Hey, beautiful" She heard an unfamiliar voice from behind her whisper in her ear.

She turned around to see a 5'9 sweaty guy with blonde hair and a medium build, 'Vinnie could take him' she thought.

"I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend"

"Really?" The guy asks with a smirk. "Where is he then?"

"Right here" Vinnie's deep voice said from behind Y/n. He stepped in front of her, shielding her from the horny and intoxicated guy.

The guy looked up at Vinnie in fear, his tough guy look now gone. "Yeah, not so tough now huh?" Vinnie got closer to the guy.

"Vinnie, stop" Y/n pulls on his arm slightly to try to get him to walk away. But Vinnie didn't listen.

"Listen to you girl bro"

"You don't think I'll beat you right here? Cause I will"

Y/n went to stand in between Vinnie and the guy, putting her hands on his chest to try to push him away. Vinnie only listened because he hated seeing the scared look on her face and knowing he caused it, and because he didn't want her that close to the guy.

The guy rolled his eyes and walked away from the couple, leaving them standing in the middle of crowd where people were dancing.

"You don't have to do that every time, I can take care of myself" Y/n said looking up at Vinnie.

"I know" He sighed. "But I just don't want anyone taking advantage of you, I feel better if I scare them away" Y/n rolled her eyes playfully at him. "It's only because I love you"

"I love you too. Now loosen up a bit" Y/n takes his hand and starts dancing.

"Fine, but calm down a little"

"No! Now spin me"

𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now