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I don't know his last name🤷‍♀️

I don't know his last name🤷‍♀️

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"Hey mom, I'm gonna lay by the pool for awhile" I said while walking towards the back door to the backyard. I had my bathing suit on with a towel in my hand.

"Okay honey, remember to put sunscreen on"

"Okay" I walked away and to the pool, setting my towel down on the pool chair.

I got in the water and dipped my head under, trying to cool myself from the hot sun. The water was cool, feeling good on my sweaty body because of how hot it was outside.

I usually came outside everyday when it was this hot, some days it was just too cold wear a bathing suit.

After a little while I sat down on the pool chair to tan, closing my eyes. I put some sunscreen on earlier when my mom told me too so hopefully I don't get sunburnt.


I couldn't help but look at her, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. But I was to scared to talk to her. What would I even do anyway? Do I go to the fence and talk to her? I wouldn't even know where to start.

She didn't know it but I saw her a lot since I moved in while she was swimming in her pool. I liked the way her wet hair fell down her back, she was breathtaking.

Suddenly I could see her looking at me. Oh crap. She had never noticed me before. My heart started beating in my chest as she sent me a perfect smile.

Maybe I should go talk to her. I should just get out of my comfort zone and just do. I mean the worst that could happen was that she could say no. But she looks really nice so I'm not expecting her to be mean to me. What am I talking about I can't get a girl like her. You know what I'm just going to do. Wait maybe I shouldn't.

For goods sake Cyprien, make up your mind, a voice in my head said.

I made my decision and started walking towards the fence, she walking towards it to. She had a towel wrapped around her and strands of her wet hair framed her face.

"Hey, I'm Cyprien" I gave her the biggest smile I could, but it wasn't on purpose it just happened.

"I'm Y/n" She smiled. Her name was so pretty. "Did you just move in?"

"Yeah, a little over a month"

"Well, If you need anyone to show you around or anything I'm always here" her smiles gets wider "you know, after all this stuff is over" I laughed.

"I'd like like that. And I hope your not going to crazy staying home"

"Only a little bit" She giggles a little, that was cute.

"Maybe we could hang out so we don't" I said. How did I know how to flirt? I was never good at it but it seemed to be working now because she was doing it back.

"Yeah, we should"

"Then can I have your number?" I asked. She nodded and I handed her my phone to put her number in it. After she put her number in she handed it back to me, our fingers brushing against each others, sending sparks through my body.

"I'll see you around... Cyprien" She says walking away and bitting her lip, god that was attractive.

I stood there for a second before walking in my house with the biggest smile on my face.


Lord was he cute. How did I not know he lived there for a month. He was so attractive with his messy brown hair and blue eyes with his pink plump lips. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

A few hours later

Unknown number
Hey, it's Cyprien

I smiled as I picked up my phone to text him back. I had been waiting a few hours for him to text me.


You want to hangout

Yeah, you can come to my house if you want

Okay, when can I come over

Right now if you want

Okay beautiful, I'll be right over

A few minutes later I heard a knock on my front door and smiled while running to it. I opened the door and there Cyprien stood, still looking cute.

"Hey, come in" I say and he grins at me.

As we walked by the kitchen I saw my mom. "Oh hey mom, this is Cyprien, he lives next door"

"It's nice to meet you" Cyprien smiles.

My mom looked between us before she smiled at us. "It's nice to meet you too honey, you guys have fun" As we got up to my room we both sat on my bed.

"Your mom seems cool" He says.

"Yeah she is, but she worries to much sometimes"

"A lot of moms do that" He says. "But I think my mom worries the most out of all moms"

We talked and laughed all night until he had to go home. I walked him his front door and he gave me a hug.

I did a happy dance when I got home, the feeling of his touch still lingering.

I think I caught feelings


𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now