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It's another beautiful morning or maybe not

Kalthum turned and stretched in her bed as she welcomed the shining sun into her room with her eyes tightly closed. She heaved in a long breath and a smile graced her lips when she felt the nice heat of the sun on her face.

" Finally, it's another Monday" she yawned hungrily followed by the growling sound of her stomach. Yesterday she had to go to bed on an empty stomach since there wasn't food at home. She never allows their lack of money to affect her even a bit. Kaltum will always stand strong and smile it off.

She got out of her cracking sound bed. The bed ought to have been changed years ago but what option does she have when they don't even have money to complete their 3 daily meals the way they like? It has always been hard for their mother ever since their dad died with no family support. 

Kalthum isn't classified as a rich girl even when their father was alive but at least they never missed any meal of the day and things were kind of normal back then without complaints or everyday nagging.

She went out of her room to greet her mother who was already prepared for work. She teaches in a government school down their area. The pay isn't good enough but they are surviving. Especially now that it's hard to get a job.

" Good morning Mom"

Her mother Suwayba forced a smile  "Morning dear" she zipped up her handbag." how was your night? "

" it was ok" Kalthum replied curtly. She couldn't help the Hunger so she asked "Uhm Mom what do we have in the kitchen? I swear my stomach has been growling for food since I woke up "She expected to be nagged but was surprised at her mother's reply

Suwayba heaved a sigh " My dear, I cooked some rice when I woke up. It's there in the kitchen. Make sure you leave some for your sister " her mother apprehended

" I'll Mom. " she was over the moon. At least she will have something to put in her stomach before going to school

" anyways, when your sister wakes up tell her not to forget the message I left for her "

"OK Mom" she nodded " I'll tell her "

" Good. I'll be on my way "

" I can help you with your bag" Kalthum offered

" No, I can do it myself. " Suwayba declined and left the house

There isn't any close relationship between Suwayba and Kalthum. Kalthum had always been a daddy's girl. His demise was so hard on her. She never expected him to leave so soon. She always remembers his last words

" Take care of the family when I'm gone " he had whispered. She doesn't understand why her dad would say that to her. She is the youngest. Why didn't he say that to her senior sister, Basma?

She remembered shrugging what her father told her, she believes that he only said so because he just felt like saying it. It was the heat of the moment, she always classified it as that.

She decided to end all thoughts and tend to her growling stomach. The rice wasn't that much but at least enough to stop the growling. She drank some water after she was done and went straight to wake her sister.

On her way, she heard her sister shouting at someone on the phone

" you can't do this to me "

Who could she be talking to?

" How can you dump me like that as if I didn't mean anything to you? Remember how I always do everything to satisfy you"

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