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Dantata's house

A home filled with joy to some people while others classify it as a dungeon. The fact that their workers are paid so well isn't denied but these employees work almost twenty-four hours a day without resting. They are also well fed too that's another advantage they have. Food wasn't a problem.

One of the oldest workers in the house umm Abdulrasheed, is almost a mother to the children because she does almost all that is required of a mother to her children since their real mother is always busy with work same with their father. But unfortunately, not all the children are grateful to her for that. Some of them still make sure she knows her place in the house.

Umm Abdul-Rasheed climbed the staircase with a tray containing a plate of food and orange juice.  She was heading to one of her favorite rooms, Faisal. He has been locked up in the gym room for almost five hours. She had to talk some sense into him for working himself up before he finally came out of the gym room.

umm Rasheed knocked on the door

" come in," Faisal said

She twisted the doorknob and gently went in with the tray in hand "Your food is here " she sang and went to put it on the small table close to his bed.

" Thanks " he took the glass cup of juice

She gave him a warm smile "I knew you were hungry. I wonder why you want to kill yourself in that room full of  iron " She shuddered

" how do you expect me to be as fit as this?" he pointed at his abs " I need to look healthy  Nanny" he smiled charmingly

He usually calls her nanny while sometimes he calls her granny.

She chuckles "Just eat your food already before it gets cold "

Faisal dragged a stool and put it beside the table. He sat on it and dived into his food hungrily.

" Have I told you that you're the best Cook?" he said with a mouthful of rice

" more than you can imagine " she answered with a slight chuckle

" then I'll keep on saying that cos your food is just the best," he told her almost spitting out some rice

" Manners boy, manners " she scolded

" This is what your food always does to me. I tend to forget my table manners" he drank some water.

She only shook her head at him. He was her best boy after all. More like a son to her

" I'll leave you to your food. I need to go check on the twins. Those two won't be the death of me "Umm Rasheed said with a roll of their eyes

Faisal chuckles " Good luck with them" he thumbs up at her. " to be precise good luck with Hassana. Hussain isn't around"

She blew a tired breath and finally went to the two-tigress room. Hassana and Hussaina, the last born of the house.


The girl with the beautiful doe eyes stares down at the poor woman whimpering on her knee

" how many times have I warned you to stop waking me up this early? " she gritted out

" MA, I swear I didn't mean to wake you up but your mom gave me orders to" She trembles at her words

" isn't that same thing? You still woke me up, you stupid woman! "

" I'm so sorry ma. I'll never repeat it ever again "

" what's going on here " a wide eyes umm Rasheeda asked as she came into the room just to see one of the maids kneeling

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