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" Maryam? Which Maryam? " Kalthum blinked her eyes confused

" The same Maryam you know. The one working in the Dantata's house "

Kalthum moved forward to hit him but luckily Faisal quickly dragged her back " You're lying, Aunty Maryam will never do that to me. She will never. I know you're only trying to cover up for Basma "

" Calm down kalthum. I think he is saying the truth " Faisal said to her.

She looked at Bashir with teary eyes " But why would she do that to me? I've never done anything to her Faisal. Why? "

Bashir stood from one foot to the other. He was already getting uncomfortable " I don't know why she wanted that to happen. She only brought business for me and since I needed money I couldn't decline it "

Kalthum looked at him in disgust " Aren't you ashamed of yourself? "

" Look, I said I was sorry"

Kalthum glared at him " Who is Maryam to you? "

" Maryam is my niece "

" What?? "

Bashir stood from one foot to the other " I think I should leave since you now know who did this to you "

" wait! "

He turned around " Yes"

Faisal walked towards him and before Bashir could understand what was going on, he got smacked in the face so hard that it was going to leave a mark.

" ouch," Bashir winced loudly as he held his face "Why would you punch me like that? "

" That's for disrespecting my woman. Next time, you'll think twice before doing this ever again. Get out of my face now "

He didn't need to be told twice, he scrambled away immediately.

Kalthum was speechless the whole time. Why would Aunty Maryam do that to her? She was always good to her, Kalthum wanted to know why she did it but how would she? especially now that she isn't working in the Dantata house again.

" Are you alright? " Faisal asked in concern.

She nodded "Yes"

" So what now? "

She looked at him with her mind made up" I need to face Aunty Maryam. I want to know why she did this to me. I just don't understand why"

" Can I ask you a question Kalthum? "

She nodded " Go ahead "

" Why would you think it's your sister that sent him to snap those pics? I don't understand " he asked with a confused face. Why would her sister want to harm her?

She shrugged " There are some things that a left unsaid. You don't know the real truth between my sister and me"

"What does that mean?"

Kalthum heaved a sigh " That will be a story for another time "

He nodded in understanding " ok then " he looked at her skeptically "So shall we now go to my house? "

" What??! "

Faisal looked at her confused " You said you want to confront Maryam right? then I said let's go"

" yes ..yes I know what you said. How am I going to do that if she is at your house? Have you forgotten that I don't work there anymore? You drove me away, remember "

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