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Umm Rasheed looked at Kalthum sternly " Make sure you get home on time and please don't waste my time by making calls to your darling boyfriend"

Kalthum chuckled " Haba Nanny why are you hostile to me today "

" I won't be hostile if you and Faisal don't stop your lovey-dovey in front of me "

Kalthum burst out laughing " But it's not our fault Nanny."

Nanny breathes in " I'll give you a very dirty slap if you say that again. "

" Aww Nanny is jealous! " Kalthum sang and Nanny followed her out of the kitchen with a big spoon in hand.

" if I see your tiny legs in my kitchen, you'll know " Nanny warned playfully

Kalthum giggled " I'm sorry Nanny. Please forgive me "

" Oh don't even start with me. Make sure you get the right ingredients and there shouldn't be any mistakes if not, you'll go back and buy the right one with your money "

The house has been in chaos because the Dantatas are going to be having visitors today. Nanny has been going halter-skelter trying to make everything perfect. She looks tired and stressed and the worst of all is that Faisal and Kalthum aren't helping matters.

Faisal held Kalthum hostage in his study just because he didn't want Kalthum to do anything and Umm Rasheed needed her right now since the other maids were busy.

Umm, Rasheed had to go to the study to talk some senses into that boy before he finally freed her. Umm, Rasheed couldn't help the shock she received seeing Faisal act like that. He is overly crazy in love with Kalthum and thinks that it just happened in a matter of months.

He Sometimes almost fought with his mother because of too much work she gave Kalthum.

" OK I promise, I won't make a mistake. I'll get all we need and I'll be back on time "

Umm Rasheed heaved a sigh " Thank you"

" I'm sorry about earlier. Faisal and I didn't mean to stress you out "

Umm Rasheed waved it off " You don't need to apologize dear. I understood it's what love does to people. They can't stand been apart for a second"

" This reminds me of Umm Rasheed. You haven't completed your story and I'd love to know how it all ended "

Umm, Rasheed smiled " In due time dear, I'll finish it. Right now we need to focus on the visitors. They are very important people to the Dantatas"

Kalthum nodded thoughtfully " Yeah, you're right. If I may ask who are these people coming over? "

" They are some family friends dear. You'll get to meet them when they arrive. Before I forget, I need to warn you about-

" Umm Rasheed? Hajiya Basira is asking for you " Maryam came in interrupting them.

" OK Maryam, I'll be there in a few seconds "

" OK " Maryam left

Kalthum stared at Umm Rasheed seriously "What did you want to warn me about?

" Don't worry. I'll tell you later. It best you go get the stuff now before the supermarket closes"

" yeah, you're right. " Kalthum nodded " See you later "


Kalthum cross-checked the list one more time, She didn't want to forget anything. She pushed her cart to the cashier who then calculated all the items "

" Your money is #20000. Are you paying cash or - " the cashier asked

" yes cash " Kalthum answered immediately as she counted out #20000 from her purse. She hands it over to the cashier.

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