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Faisal drowned himself in work. He worked like he had never before. Each time he remembers Kalthum, something in him keeps shouting and yelling at him. You don't deserve her, that voice kept saying.

He banged his desk with his hand " Enough!" he shouted at no one in particular as he held his head. Why can't people see that he is right and she is wrong? Why can't they just understand that she is only playing with their minds? Faisal's breathing becomes rage. He need to stop having all this thought about her if not he is going to go crazy in his office, he thought.

Umm, Rasheed doesn't even meet his eyes again. She treats him like a trash. Those loving eyes he usually sees every day have now turned to disappointment. He tried explaining himself to her but she was also like his brother, she took Kalthum's side. Everyone always takes her side what about him? he thought, as he flipped a file across the room.

Right now the only people who seem satisfied with what he did to Kalthum were his mother, Raihana, and Hassan. But deep down he felt this urge to go see Kalthum at her house or wherever she might be. She didn't take the money he gave her. This got him thinking that maybe she has another plan under her sleeve which is why she decided not to take the money.

Who in their right mind wouldn't take such an amount of money especially when they need it the most? She must be planning something else and he isn't going to allow her.

He rubbed his forehead for the tenth time today. His head has been throbbing since he woke up due to the lack of sleep. He sighed then stood up and called it a day instead. He walked out of his office brooding. He has been doing that since in the morning and the workers also noticed it so they decided not to cross his part on this fine day.

He walked to his Mercedes Benz which was parked at the lot. He entered the car and drove off immediately. A thought came to him to branch a particular place. It's been ages since he last went there. Hindatu's place.

A smile plastered on his lips as he remembered little Sameer. At least seeing Sameer will take his mind off things, so he thought.

The familiar street came into view. He Parked his car at his usual parking spot whenever he came. Faisal got out holding a bag filled with chocolate. He bought it at a shop on his way.

He closed his door and then walked to the gate. Since the gate had no lock, he entered the compound and went straight to the doorstep. He knocked on the door but didn't get a reply. He knocked again and finally, he heard a faint ' I'm coming '

He knew who that voice belonged to and he needed to prepare how he was going to face her especially what his mother had done to her.

The door finally got opened and surprisingly, hindatu's mom's beaming face came into view. Here he thought she was going to give him the cold shoulders but the woman looked nothing but happy to see him.

" Son! What a surprise!" she smiled as she opened the door wider "Come in "

He nodded with his smile and then entered. He greeted her politely and she answered back with that same happy smile on her face.

" so what do I owe this surprise visit? For a second I thought you'd forgotten about me
You don't even ask for me again " she chuckled

Faisal smiled softly " I'm sorry about that. Things have been so tight lately "

She nodded in understanding " I guess work must be so hard on you"

" you can say so" he rubbed his neck. He then finally asked for the person he came to see " So ... Where is Sameer and his mother? "

Aunty Jamila smiled "She went out with him but they will soon be back "

Faisal noticed that she had smiled a lot since he walked in. Things must be going well for them, he thought

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