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Umm Rasheed took it upon herself to go to the gym room where Fasail had since he woke up. She couldn't wait anymore. The truth must just come out today and she prefers to hear it today from his lips. The suspicious act was already getting unbearable.

She glanced over Kalthum's direction and their eyes met. Kalthum quickly averted her gaze immediately. Yes, that's what Umm Rasheed was talking about. Kalthum doesn't meet her eyes this day. It was as if she felt guilty for doing something that she didn't want Umm Rasheed to know.

This is the reason Umm Rasheed decides to talk with Faisal.

Umm, Rasheed wiped off her hand and left the maids in the kitchen to go talk to Faisal over at the gym room.


Faisal was already all sweaty. He opened a new bottle of water and gobbled it down like the thirsty man he was. He was sprawled on the floor trying to catch his breath.

He took his phone from where he kept it. He smiled when he saw a message from Kalthum thinking it was one of their normal love messages. He cock a brow when he saw what the message says.

" I think umm Rasheed knows about us. She is already heading to the gym room" the message says

Before Faisal could respond, Umm Rasheed had already entered the room.

" Faisal" Umm Rasheed called as she walked in.

Faisal dropped his phone and then sent a smile her way " Good morning Nanny" he greeted

She was here meaning business " Morning "

" Why are you hostile today Nanny "

Umm Rasheed exhaled loudly "We need to talk Faisal "

" but we are already talking," he said trying to act smart.

" Don't play that game with me, boy! You know what I meant"

Faisal chuckles " OK I'm sorry. Please sit down Nanny, you're making me feel uneasy "

"That's exactly what I want you to feel Faisal. Uneasy"

He chuckled and raised his hand in surrender " Calm down Nanny. Just tell me what it is "

She also smiled, finding the whole thing funny. Her coming here meant well. She sat on a stool.

" What is it with you and the maid? " she asked going straight to the point

He raised a brow acting confused " Which maid?"

She stale-faced him "You know who I'm talking about. Kalthum of course"

He rubs his neck "What about her? "

"Please Faisal just tell me the truth. I can't help it anymore Faisal. That girl is here alone and suffering heartbreak is going to be very hard for her. Please Faisal it's best you stop whatever it is you're doing to that girl"

" I don't get why you don't have hope in me, Nanny. Do I look like someone who can hurt her ?" he rubbed his face out of frustration

" so my suspicion was right after all. You two are an item. When do you see it seemed to tell me, Faisal? Don't you trust me again?  Faisal! You know how I support all that you do but I'm trying to understand why hid this from me of all people! " Nanny was angry

Faisal stood up pacing " I'm sorry OK. I'm sorry nanny but I was only respecting her wish. Please don't be mad at me or her "

She nodded "When did it all start? "

He heaved a sigh "It's over a month now "

" A WHAT??" she looked shocked " and I knew nothing? "

He smiled " I'm so sorry Nanny please forgive me "

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