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" What? Why are you two looking as if you just saw a ghost " Habeeb chuckled

A smile spread across Ummu Rasheed's face "You naughty boy "

" You meant what you said? " kalthum asked again surprised.

He smiled "Of course kalthum. We all know my mother, she is the best actress in the universe. I'm sure she did something to you before you mistakenly pushed her. Don't be surprised that she knew you were going to push her."

Tears of joy dropped down her face " Thanks a lot ya habib. You don't know how happy you just made me "

" Well, that's my duty, right? As a big brother" he wiggled his brows " I wouldn't want to see my little sister in pain "

She giggled then wiped her tears " Thanks once again."

Habib waved it off with a small smile " Can we all go inside now? I'm very famished. If you're worried about my mother, you better don't stress. She will survive a small fracture. Please let's go inside "

Umm Rasheed let out a chuckle "Your love for food hasn't reduced for a bit "

" How can it reduce when the person cooking it keeps on making it delicious every day" he joked and the two ladies burst into laughter.

" Common boy, let's go inside, " Umm Rasheed said and they all walked inside after one another.


They waited patiently for the doctor to come out with good news. They've been waiting for hours now and it was already getting frustrating. Faisal stood up from where he was sat with a loud sigh.

" what's keeping them waiting? " he asked no one in particular.

" just sit down son, " Alhaji Tukur said to him.

At that time, Raihana also walked up to Faisal. He stopped pacing from one side to the other. She stood in front of him.

" Hey Faisal" she began " I know I shouldn't be saying this but whatever. Don't you think that the Kalthum girl needs some kind of punishment? If you let this slide, she will do something more than this. "

Faisal shot her a glare " Please stop, not you too. I'm sick and tired of everyone saying the same thing " he whispered.

Raihana scoffed "Or is there something going on between you two that you don't want us to know "

The murderous look he shot her was enough to make one piss his pant but Raihana wasn't even a bit fazed.

" Do you think I didn't notice the looks you were sending her way on the dining table " she continued

"Just keep shut already," he told her.

" No, I won't not until you understand that whatever you have going on with that girl isn't right. You can't be seriously falling for a maid! "

The parents couldn't hear what they were saying but with the way the two kept glaring at each other, they knew what the two were talking about was heated.

" Are you kids alright? " Alhaji Dantata asked from where he was sitting.

Raihana quickly smiled "Of course sir we are fine. Right Faisal? "

The latter didn't reply instead he said "Please, excuse me " With that he darted outside the building. He rubbed his face out of frustration. He was battling within himself. He can't just drive Kalthum. She meant the world to him.

He groaned loudly. Just calm down Faisal. Think about what umm Rasheed would say in a situation like this. He breathed in and out slowly.

He knew Umm Rasheed too well. She will tell him to always listen to his heart. Never allow his head to decide in a situation like this. She will tell him to listen to both sides of the story. Never allow anyone to decide for him.

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