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Kalthum and Zainab's mouths were wide agape. They were flabbergasted. Jamil who did not understand any of what was happening just stood confused.

"Who is the girlfriend? "

Zainab came out of her shock. She dragged Kalthum to her back like a mother trying to protect her child. She then stood in front of Faisal, She stood tall facing Faisal with a hard look.

" Mr man, with due respect, I don't know if you're mad or crazy or if you hit your head on the wall which then made you forget all that happened. Have you forgotten what you did to my best friend? " she held her waist looking up at him.

Faisal raised a brow surprised that a small lady was talking to him like that.

" I'm not here for you miss"

Jamil looked at the two in shock " Are you two talking about Kalthum? " how come the big Faisal dan tata is interested in the person he loves, he thought

" Yaya, please hold on a second. Let me talk to this man who thinks he can do whatever he wishes anytime he wants it. " She eyed Faisal " Kalthum is my friend and you don't get to hurt her without me saying anything. You hurt her which means you also hurt me too. If you want to talk to her, Mr, you gonna have to pass through me. Come on let's go kalthum, we don't have to waste our time talking to this man here "

Jamil saw it as a chance to interfere " I'll drop you home "

They knew it was best they followed him now since Faisal had to show his face where he wasn't needed.

" yes, please. Let's go kalthum " Zainab said as she dragged her hand.

Faisal could only stare at them in shock. No one has ever talked to him like that, no one. And the worst part was that he deserved it. He knew he deserved it. After all, he did Kalthum.

He watched with an aching heart as Kalthum entered the car without even sparing him a look, not even once as they sped off. He shamefully turned around and went back to his car.


Kalthum paced around the room in anger " What does he want again? After all he did to me, he thinks he can just show his face to me! Who does he think of himself? " she yelled

" I hate him! I hate him! " She sat and sobbed quietly "Why can't he just leave me alone? What does he mean by he was here for his girlfriend? So many questions are running in my head and I need answers, Zainab. I don't understand him"

Zainab allowed her to rant her heart out.

" I just want him to leave me in peace. The damage he has done is enough. "

Zainab heaved a sigh. She moved away from the wall and came to sit close to Kalthum on the bed " I don't have answers to all your questions but I want you to know that I'll always be there for you. We'll fight this together kalthum. I won't stand and watch him hurt you again. He has a lot coming for him no matter what his intentions are "

" I don't even know what to think Zainab. Seeing his face brought back memories I'm still trying to forget. Memories which he caused. I couldn't even look at him Zainab, I couldn't. If it wasn't for you I don't know what I'd have done." she put her head in her hand

" That good for nothing man. He is even lucky I didn't slap him or something " Zainab growled.

Hearing her say that, Kalthum raised her head, she raised a brow at Zainab in a mocking way " With which hand madam ?" she asked trying to hold her laugh.

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