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I'm back guys 😊😇🤗. Sorry for the late update and how are you coping with the whole Coronavirus pandemic? You all should please #STAYSAFE, I care about you🙏🙏❤❤❤❤ . May Allah continue to be with us, Ameen.

"stop it Basma! "

"Why do you care? Just let me be Kalthum. "

"Please don't go to him. " Kalthum sobbed "Don't do this to yourself please" She knelt and held her sister's legs tightly

"Please, you're wasting my time with all this your crocodile tears. He is already waiting for me in the hotel!" Basma rolled her eyes and dragged her legs out of her sister's embrace

"Please Yaya Basma. This isn't the right way. Have you forgotten that we now have a new job? We'll be working for the Dantatas. Have you forgotten what you told me yourself? You said that this is an opportunity for us to earn money so why do you want to sell yourself out to a stranger? Or has this been going on for a while now? "Kalthum's eyes were wide open anticipating what her sister's response would be

Basma shrugged "Please stop acting all innocent Kalthum. Do you want to tell me that you've never kissed anyone before?"

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajihun!" she exclaimed "This isn't right Basma. "

"Please kalthum just leave me alone. The man is already waiting for me and I don't want to waste any more of his time! Please let me pass"

Kalthum wiped her tears "Fine, since this is the path you chose, Mom will hear it when she gets back"

Basma chuckled " I know you won't say anything to her so stop the drama. I promise this will be the last time. okay? "

" I can't believe you! You are taking this as a joke? You can't be serious. Just know that whenever this wayward act of yours becomes known to the whole world, I won't be there to help you"

" so be it then. I don't care" She blew her little sister a kiss and then turned away to make her way to the hotel.

Immediately the door made a banging sound, and Kalthum screamed out of frustration. Her sister was never like this before or maybe not? Maybe she doesn't know her sister after all.

It was coincident that she came to find out about this. She was in the sitting room watching the ongoing program when her sister's phone rang profusely beside her. At that time Basma was in the bathroom. Kalthum then decided to pick up the call thinking that it might be her sister's friend and behold it turned out to be one of her sister's clients.

" why can't she understand?" Kalthum said to herself. " maybe I should follow her to the hotel? " she thought to herself. Kalthum concluded to do so.


Upon reaching the hotel, Kalthum watched her back in case someone she knew saw her. Lucky her the faces are new. The only problem is how she will locate the particular room. She already knows the number of the room from the text message the client sent to her sister. It was room 101.

Kalthum tried thinking of a better lie to tell the receptionist.

Maybe I should pretend as if I came to look for someone too?

Wouldn't the lie be too obvious?

Ugh, what should I do?

She was losing her patience. Finally, she came up with a solution which she is going to put into action.

She repaired her clothes. It was a simple long gown that held her shape a little. She then decided to just tie the veil she used to cover herself. She tied it around her head in a turban style which she is very good at doing. At least now she looks believable.

Sworn Sisters Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang