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  Her ball dress in the pic above.


"Happy Birthday!" The shouting of Brandon and Arthur wakes me up. Groaning, I put the pillow over my head.

"You know I hate birthdays. And surprises. So no surprises." I hide under the covers in my bed.

"Well your really going to hate tonight. Your parents are throwing a party." Brandon sits on the bed next to me. He lifts the pillow off my head and tosses it to the side. "Its 3:30, you can't sleep all day."

"I can try." I snuggle up in my covers but he yanks them off. I groan and look at him. "Your so annoying."

"Your mother wants me to inform you that you are to spend the day preparing for the party. The theme is masquerade ball." Arthur informs me.

"My mother can go f--"

"Miss Elena! Don't you say that about your mother, I taught you better than that!"

Groaning, I get out of bed. 3 servants are standing in the doorway, one with a tray of food. "What, was everyone waiting for me to wake up?"

"Pretty much." Brandon stands.

"Everyone chop-chop, we have a party to plan!" Arthur shoo's Brandon out and the servants come to get me ready.

I eat breakfast, then shower. I sit in a chair while one of them does my hair. Another goes and gets what I assume is my ball gown. All I can think is, shoot me.

"Your mother picked it out." She lays it on the bed. Its long, flowy, and blue.

Once finished with my hair they begin my make up. I swear by the time everythings done its ready for the party. I put the shoes on, they do my corset, then I put on the dress. "Oh my gosh too tight." They put red lipstick on my lips and then I put on my mask.

"Perfect!" One of them says.

I look in the mirror. "Woah.." My hair is in perfect elegant curls. My make up looks amazing.

"Your majesty all your guests are waiting downstairs," one of the servants inform me.

I nod and leave my room. I stop at the top of the stairs, nervous. Slowly I take it step by step. When everyone is in view they all stop and stare. I realize why my mom picked this dress. I'm the only one in blue.

I spot Brandon, drinking a drink not quite paying attention. He's wearing a tux and a mask. A sight I thought I'd never see. But when he notices everyone looking at me his eyes follow their gaze and I think he almost dropped his drink, he's that surprised.

My mom and dad greet their guests and smile. My mom nods with approval. I go down to the end of the steps and look around.

"Elena?" Brandon walks up to me. "You look.." He looks like he can't figure out the words to say.

"Blue? Outcast?"

"I was going to say..beautiful...but yeah blue and outcast work to." He rubs the back of his neck and eyes me up and down.

"Wow that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me. Even though you ruined it."

He chuckles. "Don't worry you wont hear it again."

I look around. "Everyone's still staring.." I hate being the center of attention. And stared at.

"Maybe because your the princess, your the only one in blue, and this party is for you." He makes it sound like a 'duh' tone. Smartass, I thought.

"On the brightside I get to see you in a tux. Its really funny, hey let me get a picture of it."

He narrows his eyes. "Do it, and next time there's a gunman I'll let you get shot," he warns. I roll my eyes and take the picture anyways.

People gather around the floor, doing the traditional Castella Waltz. Not your usual waltz, more of our own version.

"Excuse me miss, would you like to dance?" A guy around my age, bows and extends his hand.

Biting my lip nervously, I take his hand and he leads me to the dance floor. He's wearing a mask so I can't see who he is, but there's something familiar about him. "You look beautiful, and the only one here in blue."

"My mom picked it out. Something tells me it was on purpose." I look up at him, trying to figure out why he seems so familiar. "Do I know you?"

He smiles. "Good to know you've forgotten me already, love. Maybe this will jog your memory." He lifts up his mask and I almost scream. I try to jerk away and run off but his grip tightens painfully around me. "Now leaving would be rude." He smiles again. "Make a sound or a run for it, and I promise you wont even make it a foot away."

I look around for Brandon, fear sketched all over my face. He looks at me questioningly and I look up at who I'm dancing with, then back at Brandon. I mouth 'Aaron.'

Brandon's jaw twitches with anger and he pushes people out of the way, making his way through the crowd. He's just a few feet away and I look up at Aaron. I bite really hard down on his arm holding me and I back away.

Gunshots from above fill the room and I get tackled by Brandon, feeling the bullet skim right past me. People scream, running in all sorts of directions. I look up at Brandon on top of me. "Thought you were going to let me get shot."

He smiles a little. "Never." He helps me off the ground and I look past him. Aaron holds his gun and Brandon picks up his own.

"Hello, old friend. Look at this, the old 3 musketeers reunion. Just like old times." Aaron smiles. Guards grab the shooter from the balcony above the ball room.

"Looks like your back up is being taken away in hand cuffs. Like your about to be." Brandon cocks his gun, ready to shoot.

Aaron laughs. "I don't think so." Just then the 2 of them pull their triggers at the same time. Both go down and I scream.

I kneel beside Brandon. "Brandon??" His hand moves to cover a spot just below his ribs, near his gut.

"I'm fine." His voice is strangled and he speaks through clenched teeth.

I move his hand to see blood soaking his shirt. "Brandon your not fine your shot." I look around. "Help! Guards! Someone help!!" 2 guards run over. "You 2 go to the infirmary wing, grab a gurney and bring it back for him, now!!" The 2 run off. I look over where Aaron was. There's a blood stain but he's gone.

"Elena.." Brandon tries to speak.

"Shh.. save your strength." I apply pressure on his wound and he grunts. My eyes tear up. No mater how much we fight, annoy each other, and piss the other off, I still care. He's been there for just about all of my life.

The 2 guards run back with the gurney and the lift Brandon up on it. I run with them, taking him to the infirmary. "Your gonna be okay, alright?"

He nods slowly. "Elena..I-I have to..tell you.." he tries to say something but passes out before getting the chance.

"Brandon!" We make it to the infirmary and the doctors take him back. Tears stream down my face. "You have to be okay.."

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