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Many of the staff, the most trusted ones, are in the bunker. The doctor had taken a look at my rist and had wrapped it up. Its sprained.

The bunker is this HUGE underground, basically like a home. There's rooms for people to be divided up into, most of them have to share. I've spent most of the time pacing back and forth at the door. This is wose than those times at the hospital.

The door opens and I rush up to it. Liam enters and shuts it behind him. It locks and I look up at him. "How did you get in here?"

"Brandon let me in. I took out some of the rebels, Brandon finally believed me when I said I wont cause you harm, and heet me in." He looks a bit worn out.

My heart clenches. "Brandon?? Where is he? Why didn't he come with you??"

"He had to go help out. Look he'll be alright. Calm down."

I bite my lip nervously and nod. Elliot runs up and hugs Liam and Liam hugs him back, smiling. "Thank God your alright.." He holds his little brother close.

My father marches up. "You! You shouldn't be in here! You tried to kill my daughter!"

I take a step in front of Liam and Elliot. "Daddy its fine, Aaron forced him to do it. If he really wanted me dead I would be already. Trust me on this,okay?"

He's hesitant before nodding. He's always been the over-protective father. But when it came to dad's not being very trusty, that's where he's different. He trusts me. My mother on the other hand, does not.

"You tried to kill Elena?" Elliot looks up at Liam, confused and sad, and almost scared.

Liam hangs his head in shame. "I'm sorry Elliot, I know it was bad..don't be like me.."

"No Elliot, he didn't want to. The truth is, he was forced to by a really mean man who would hurt you if Liam didn't. Your brother did the better thing, I'd rather me get hurt instead of you."

Elliot hugs his brother. "Don't leave me again."

Liam picks him up. "I wont." He carries uis brother over to everyone else, my dad follows, but I don't. "Elena, come on. Its going to be awhile." Silently, I nod and follow. I just want Brandon back already.

Sounds of guns going off, people yelling in pain, everything, I can hear it. It doesn't sound good. I'm scared he wont make it back..


I've been sitting on the couch for hours. I can feel my paranoia worsening by the second.

What if he doesn't come back? What if he's hurt right now or dying? Or worse what if he's dead already?? Where is he? Is he okay? What's going on up there? These are the thoughts running through my mind. I've been biting my bottom lip and nervously tapping my nails on my knee for the past few hours.

"Danny?" A guard approaches after the sound of the bunker door opening and closing.

I stand. "Yes? What's this about?"

He looks back at the door. "It's about Brandon." My heart drops and my stomach twists.

Before he can finish, I'm running to the bunker door, despite my leg's constant protests. I didn't want to hear whatever bad news it was or could've been. I had to see for myself.

I run in the direction of the door, it comes into plain view, not far away. Its being opened. Brandon limps forward, covered in dirt, sweat, blood, etc. But I don't care. All I cared about is that he's okay. He shuts the door and it locks.

My heart clenches with relief and tears burn my eyes. I run up and he limps forward, and once I wrap my arms with him I let out a sigh of relief. He stumbles back, leaning on the door and wraps his arms around me.

I kiss him over and over again. "I was so scared I thought I was going to loose you.." I kiss him more.

He returns every kiss back to me. "I promised I would come back." He smiles lightly and kisses me gently.

"I'm staying in the room down the hall, 4th door on the left." I smile against his lips before pulling back and we walk to my room. I help him as he slowly limps. "Tell me everything that happened." He sits on the bed.

While he tells me, I go to the bathroom and wet a wash cloth and come back, wiping the dirt, blood, etc off him. "I helped the guards against the rebels. One of the guards had yelled for help, saying that the prisoners were being broken out, you were right by the way. Aaron tried killing Liam, but I didn't let that happen because I know you wouldn't have wanted it to. But.. the consequence was Aaron getting away. I helped Liam here before going back out there. I had landed on my ankle wrong when I was fighting, and it really hurt. I limped my way back here. And then I saw the most beautiful girl ever and I kissed her over and ovet again."

I blush a little as I clean him up. I wipe off all the dirt and blood except for what's stained on his shirt. I pull his shirt up and toss it aside. "I thought I lost you when the guard came..don't you ever scare me like that again!"

He chuckles. "Fine I wont do my job next time."

"Good," I smile and clean him off.

"How's your rist?" He holds my arm up. My rist is wrapped up.

"Sprained. How's your ankle?"

"Sprained. But I'll be fine, I'll still walk on it." He smiles before going and showering off.

I lay on the bed. Its been a long last few hours. Its been stressful and full of fear. By the time Brandon comes back, I'm almost asleep, and he joins me.

He wraps his arms around me and I snuggle up. A smile forms at my lips and I slowly drift off.

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