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Her wedding dress is the pic above.



This is the day everything changes. My wedding day. The most stressful day in my life. I'm so nervous I can't even sit still.

We've had a month since I got engaged, and a month to plan the wedding. Basically everyone hauled ass to plan it in time. But we did it. Once I get married, I no longer have to worry about Rebellions abd assassins. Once I'm married, I'm going to have my corrination tomorrow, and I will be queen, and the Rebels can't stop it. Then my honey moon, which I'm very excited for. I feel like such a princess! ...Oh wait, I am one.

My hair is in elegant curls, more fancy than they've ever been with the sides pinned back, and its beautiful. My veil is clipped, pulled back for the time being. My tiara, which I'm not usually a fan of wearing but I am a princess and I have to wear it on my wedding day, is placed perfectly centered on the top of my head.

My make up is so gorgeous, I love it! Thin black eye liner to make my eyes pop, light gold eye shadow (a Castella tradition for royalty brides) that bring out my eye color, water proof mascara just in case I cry, and a fair amount of foundation and blush. Then red lip stick to make my lips pop.

My dress is long and flowy, white of course, strapless, the design is perfect, I just love it. My heels make me feel like I'm wearing Cinderella shoes except their not glass.

I'm so nervous. I know that as soon as the doors open, all eyes are on me. I hope I don't trip and fall or say something stupid. I really don't wan't to mess up. Especially on my vows. I don't wan't to choke up either.

I haven't seen Brandon since after the reception yesturday, before his bachelor party, and before my bachelorette party. The bride and groom sleep in different rooms the night before the wedding. I hope he's not having second thoughts..

The door of my room opens and my mother steps in. "You look beautiful sweetie.." She smiles and starts tearing up.

I smile. "Mom don't start crying because I'm gonna cry and mess up my make up."

"I'm so emotional my baby girl is all grown up, you look so beautiful on your wedding day, I'm so proud of you." She uses a tissue to blot her eyes.

"Thanks mom.." I hug her and she hugs me back.

"I'm going to mess up my make up." She fans her face. "Okay I'm good.."

"I'm scared..what if he had second thoughts? What if he doesn't wan't to marry me? What if it doesn't work out? I'm going to disappoint you or Daddy.."

"Oh honey, you won't disappoint me or your father. And its his loss if he did. But he would never do that to you. He loves you... Plus your father threatened him so I think he may be too scared to be a runaway groom."

"Thanks mom..and tell daddy thanks for scaring my future husband..great way to start off a marriage." I laugh lightly.

She smiles and opens the door. "Okay its almost time!" She hands me my bouquet and leaves to go to the ball room.

My father comes in, recovered and ready to walk down the isle. He leads me down the hall to the closed doors of the ball room. "You ready?"

"I'm so nervous.." My hands and legs are shaky. Luckily you can't see my legs.

"You have nothing to worry about baby girl."

"Do I have lipstick on my teeth?? Is my make up okay? Is my hair messed up--"

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