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The guards had returned, along with Liam's brother and his things. I sent them off to warn my parents of the soon to come attack by the Rebel's.

The little boy looks frightened and confused. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He's small, doesn't even go to my waist, but in his defense I have long legs. I give Brandon my crutches and kneel down in front of the boy, or atleast attempt to. I smile. "Hi, my name is Elena. What's yours?" My voice is nice, soft, gentle, and also happy so I don't seem mean or scary.

"E-Elliot.." He seems nervous. "Where's Liam?"

"You'll see him soon. Don't be nervous Elliot, your safe here. Don't be frightened, okay? No one will hurt you here."

He nods. "Thank you."

"Now how about you come with me and I'll show you where your room will be. You can get your things situated and then you'll see Liam. Does that sound okay?"

He nods and I stand. He takes my hand and I begin to walk without my crutches, which hurts a little but its bearable since its been a few weeks since I was shot. Arthur carries his suitcase for him.

Brandon looks at me. "You know your supposed to use the crutches."

"I'll be fine."

"Elena.." He warns.

I sigh. "Fine." I let go of Elliot's hand and take my crutches. He follows behind and holds onto the back of my shirt.

I lead him to a room across the hall from mine and open the door. His eyes get big. Its a large room, a big bed with blue covers. The walls are a light blue color. Its own bathroom and closet. And it has a large flat screen mounted on the wall.

He smiles. "Its huge!"

I laugh lightly. "Yes and its all yours."

"Thank you!" He runs and jumps on the bed. Arthur lays his suitcase on the bed and unpacks.

"Arthur, once he's settled in would you mind taking him to see his brother? And then take him to get something to eat?" I smile at him which he returns.

"Will do." He unpacks for Elliot.

Brandon wraps his arms around my waist. "Time for your doctors appointment."

I sigh and nod. I look over at Elliot. "I'll see you later, okay?"

He runs up and hugs me. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

I smile. "Your welcome." He lets go and Brandon leads me down to the infirmary.


The Doc examines my wounds. His hands are cold when they touch my skin. I feel uncomfortable, like any other person at the doctors. "Your bullet wound looks good, no infection, and its healing nicely. I don't think you need the crutches anymore. It may seem sore for a little while, you'll just have to re-adjust how you walk until you are completely healed. Your knife wound has healed nicely as well. Everything's good. Any questions?" The Doc finishes examining my wounds and standa in front of us.

"Nope not that I know of."

"Then I guess we're finished here. Now, you should still take it easy, alright? We don't want those wounds re-opening. Other than that your good to go."

I nod and stand. I leave the room and Brandon stands from the chair he was sitting in outside. "All good?"

"All good." I smile and walk. "No crutches. But I still gotta take it easy."

"I'll make sure that you do."

I sigh. "I know you will."

He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist and leads me up to my room. I go to my closet. I change into pajamas and go back out, laying on my bed. I yawn, looking at the clock, its getting late. Brandon smiles. "You should get some rest." He stands to go but I grab his arm.

"Can you.. stay? I..I don't like being alone.."

"Tell ya what, I'll go change into my pajamas, and then I'll come lay with you, alright?" He smiles and I nod. He goes to change into his pajamas. But I know what his pajamas are from when we were roomates in college and lived together in high school. And I've known him since we were 6. I know damn well he doesn't wear pajamas. Its always either, just boxers, sweatpants and no shirt, or actual pajama pants and no shirt unless he wears one of those guy tank tops. I shake my head. Boys, I thought. He walks back in wearing plaid pajama pants and no shirt.

"You know I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as pajamas when you only have pants on."

"Are you complaining?" He raises his eyebrow. Hell no. Hello abs, and muscles. I shake my head and smile. He lays under the covers next to me and turns my lamp off. I lay my head next to his, laying on my side, and look over at him. He does the same and faces me. He smiles, staring at me.


"Your beautiful."

I blush and smile. "Well that's your opinion."

"No that's a fact."

I giggle and lean my forehead on his. He wraps his arms around me and eventually we fall asleep.


A tapping on my shoulder wakes me up. Then a poking on my cheek. Then someone trying to open my eye. I look up to see Elliot. I sit up to look at him.  "What's wrong?" Brandon's arm slips off of me amd he groans in his sleep.

"The storm..when its a scary storm I usually sleep in my brother's room. Can I stay here?" A loud thunder catches my attention and then lightning strikes outside, lighting up my whole room.

I smile. "Sure. Here there's plenty of room. You can have that side since me and him only take up this side." He crawls under the covers next to me.

Brandon blinks his eyes, sitting up. "What's going on?"

"He's scared of the storm and is sleeping in here now."

"Oh God please don't turn into a mother." He lays back down.

"Oh hush. Someone has to take care of him. Unless you want me to release his brother."

"Nope, your right, be a mother."

"You can be a father!"

"Don't push it." He groans and pulls me back down next to him. He wraps his arm around me.

Elliot curls up on his side of the bed and goes to sleep. I close my eyes and begin falling asleep again.

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