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-Elena's P.O.V.

Waking up, I notice Elliot's gone and Brandon's dead asleep. I guess Elliot got hungry or something. I lay back down and Brandon wraps his arms back around me. He yawns and blinks his eyes before smilimg down at me. "Now that's a sight I could wake up to every morning." I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Get back here!" The sound of Arthur yelling after someone catches my attention, not angry yelling though. My door is wide open.

A boy, I recognize to be Elliot runs past the door, pantsless except has his underwear on. He laughs and Arthur runs past, looking tired and trying to catch his breath. "Get back here boy and puts some pants on!" Elliot's laughter echos down the hall.

I look at Brandon and we both burst out with laughter. After a few minutes I decide to go help Arthur.

"You shouldn't be on your feet too much, your still healing," Brandon goes with me. "I'll help Arthur."

"But your bad with kids," I point out.

He rolls his eyes. "I know. But I'll get better with them." He sits me back on the bed and goes to help Arthur.

A minute later, now only wearing underwear, Elliot runs past the door in the direction he came from, laughing. Brandon runs past right after. Another minute later a slow, panting Arthur leans on the doorframe. "Its like you two all over again."

Brandon walks in, Elliot squirming and tossed over his shoulder. He sets Elliot down, and he just tries to run again and Brandon blocks him. Elliot sighs and sits on the floor.

"Come on Elliot, you should get dressed. Then Arthur will take you to get some pancakes, okay?" I lead Elliot to his room.

Arthur looks at me and puts his hands on his waist. "Arthur will do what?" He raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes at him, and lead Elliot to his room and Elliot gets dressed. Arthur takes him to get breakfast.

I go to my room and shower before getting dressed and Brandon does the same in his room.

Walking out, I say hello to the maid who's straightening up my room. She looks tired, and skinny like she doesn't eat enough and I can't help but feel bad. "Are you hungry?" She shakes her head but I know she's lying. "You can have some of my breakfast, don't worry its okay. I don't mind."

She shakes her head again. "I shouldn't.."

"Please. You must be hungry. And I'm not that hungry this morning."

She smiles. "Thank you..your so kind." I return the smile and point to the tray of food at my desk that she can have.

I take my medicine and when I turn the maid is on the ground, clutching her throat. I rush over and lean down. "Help! Somebody help!" It must've been tampered with, or poisoned. "Help me!"

Brandon rushes in and looks around. He rushes over and kneels beside us. "What happened??"

"I think someone tried to poison my food, and I let her have it not knowing it was tanpered with and now this.." I look at him, I don't know what to do.

"Come on lets get her to the infirmary." He picks her up and we rush her to the infirmary.

We arrive, her face is already paling. "Help!" Doctors bring a gurney over and rush her to a room. We wait outside and I look up at him. "It happened so fast..I didn't even think that someone would try and poison me..that poor girl! Its all my fault!"

"Hey, look at me..its not your fault you didn't know, don't blame yourself." He wraps his arms around me.

"But its my fault..she ate it because I told her she could..that should be me not her, she was an innocent girl who never did anything.."

"That shouldn't be you, and its not your fault. You can't blame yourself for something you had no control of." He pulls me closer and I wrap my arms around him.

"Who would do this.."

"I don't know..but I'm going to find out, okay?" I nod quietly and wait for the doctors.

"Why is it we're always stuck in the infirmary? This is the first time its not one of us in there."

"Thankfully its not one of us."

"But its someone innocent that didn't deserve this.."

"You don't either, Elena. You don't deserve any of this. You can't help the life and family you were born into. And yet they still come for you. Things happen to innocent people, but it happens and its out of our control. We can't help it. That girl didn't deserve it, but it happens and its out of our control." He tilts my chin up to look at him. "Its going to be okay, I promise." I nod and lay my head on his chest while we wait.


I know this probably isn't the best update, I've been having a little bit of writers block. Hopefully it gets better. I'll update soon^-^

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