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                          another reminder if you enjoy Protect Me please check out my other books Fame, the Run or Die series, and Saving Rose. I really think they could be a big hit if they got more reads so please check them out. Thanks lovelies, xox!



They took my father away a few hours ago, and I've been pacing back and forth for hours.

"Sit down, pacing won't make it any better. He'll be okay," Brandon takes my hands and pulls me down next to him to sit.

"How do you know that?" I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Because your father is strong, and a fighter. He won't go down that easy." He strokes my hair and calms me.  "No matter what happens, promise me you won't push me away. You always push people away when you have problems. But promise you'll let me be here for you."

"I promise."

It felt like forever waiting on news about my father. My mom's been sitting nervously in the chair outside the room. "Mom, he's going to be okay."

"You don't know that, none of us know that, no one will update us!" She's getting irritable and worried, and very frustrated that they haven't updated us on my father's condition.

"Don't snap at me!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me! This is your fault! If you had listened to us and stayed in the bunker, he would've never left and came after you!"

"And if I stayed, 7 other people would be dead! Maybe if you were like me or dad you'd actually give a damn about other people instead of just your own life, or royalty! All you care about is your precious kingdom and marrying me off to someone, and having the perfect royal family! But guess what, that'll never happen, and one of these days you need to get that through your head! Whenever something goes wrong you always blame me, but maybe you should learn to take some resposibility, maybe I wouldn't be screwed up if you knew how to be a parent!"

"How dare you!"

"How dare me? How dare you!"

The Doc walks out of the room. He coughs to break up the arguement and get our attention. Me and my mom stop and turn towards the Doc. "I got the bullet out. He's going to be in recovery for a long time. Where the bullet hit, it hit quite a few nerves and was close to the heart. Due to the placement of the wound, he may suffer from heart issues which we have to look out for. But for now he needs rest and to recover. But he's going to live."

"Thank God.." I hug Brandon and he wraps his arms around me.

My mother stands. "Can I see him?"

"One person at a time. He shall be transported to the infirmary soon, once everything is cleaned up. I've been notified that the Rebels have all retreated, soon enough we'll be able to leave the bunker." The Doc walks off to help others.

"I'll be staying until they take him to the infirmary, and then I'll be staying with him overnight, we'll finish our conversation later." My mother goes into the room.

"Let's go ask if the castle has been cleared out and cleaned up. Then we can return to our rooms," Brandon stands.

"But what if the Rebels come back?"

"Their not stupid enough to come back after a defeat like that."

Nodding, I stand. I lean on my good leg and look at the other. The pain is catching up to me and it hurts to lean on it.

Brandon walks with me to the Bunker area where everyone is gathered. The few people that escaped down the bunker are gathered and some are leaving.

"What's going on?" I ask Liam.

He stands. "The castle has been cleared out, its safe to return to our rooms."

"What about the dead body? The blood? Your brother doesn't need to see that."

"The bodies have been cleared out and will be given a proper burial. People have already begun cleaning the blood. Besides, its not the worst he's seen." Liam picks up Elliot and they leave the bunker.

"Let's get you to your room, your exaughsted and in pain," Brandon takes my hand and leads me out of the bunker.

I walk in silence, all I can think about is seeing my father shot and falling to the ground. And the blood. Which reminds me of when I was captured and shot. And when Brandon was shot. Everything. All because of me.

"Are you okay?" Brandon snaps my attention back to reality.

"I can't get the image of my father being shot out of my mom was right, its all my fault.."

Brandon stops me and turns, facing me. "It was not your fault, you did what was right, although I'd rather it had been me out there and you not being in danger. But that's not the point, the point is your not responsible for what happened. And if I have to march back down there and tell your mom that, I will."

"I killed 2 people Brandon..there death is on my hands.."

He places his hand on my cheek. "You did what you had to do to survive. If they were you they would have done the same." I turn and his hand falls from my face. I walk in silence. "See your doing it again! Don't shut me out, don't push me away! You promised you wouldn't.."

I look back up at Brandon. There's hurt in his eyes. "I don't know any other thing to do. Its what I always do.."

"You let me in, you tell me how you feel. No secrets. You let me be here for you, because I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you, you just have to let me in. And if you don't wan't to talk, then I'll hold you and tell you everything will be okay, I'll tell you whatever you need to hear. Just know that I'm here and nothing's going to change that."

I don't even know what to say or how to respond. So I don't say anything. I just lean up and kiss him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me back. When I pull away I rest my forehead on his. "I love you.."

"I love you too." He let's me go and takes my hand. "Come on, let's go."

We walk the rest of the way to my room. He goes to his and I go to mine. I shower and change out of my bloody clothes. When I come back, Brandon lays on my bed, wet hair from his shower and in his 'pj's' which consists of pajama pants and no shirt. He looks over at me. "Tired?"

As if right on que, I yawn and rub my tired eyes. I nod and walk over, laying down next to him. "Are you going to stay and protect me?" I smile lightly.

"Damn right." He smiles and pulls me close. I'm off to sleep in minutes.

Protect Me Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon