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-Elena's P.O.V.

"The fluid that is leaking from the wound is caused by an infection. And its a really bad one. The infection is what's causing a very high fever, which is why he passed out. In most cases in the part of the body with the infection, we would usually remove the limb. But in his case we can't. His body has to fight the infection on its own. We can provide anti-biotics and other medicine but it will only help a bit," the Doc explains. Brandon lays in the hospital bed, unconscious still, and running a really high fever. "He may not wake up for a long time. We need to break the fever."

"I can do that. Or at least, I can help." I sit next to the bed in the chair. I use a damp cloth and damp his face softly with it.

He moans weakly and his head rolls to the side, facing me. I have a feeling its going to be awhile before he's better.


Its been a week and a half, and he hasn't really  been awake, and when he was he was out of it completely, moaning and groaning, saying my name to get my attention, but then he would just pass out again. His fever hasn't broken yet. And I haven't left him yet. I just shower in the bathroom in the hospital room. And Arthur has brought me food and clothes.

I know I'm supposed to be out finding a guy to marry, but I haven't cared to. My parents have stopped by about twice and that's it.

"I've spent all this time trying to break this damn fever and its not working. Now I'm pretty sure you can hear me so please help me out. Fight off the infection," I whisper to him. I damp his face with the wet cloth.

He groans and rolls his head to the side to look at me. His eyes crack open slightly and he gives a small but weak smile. "Why aren't you wearing a sexy nurse uniform?" He jokes.

I smile a little. "Why aren't you out of bed being my superman?" I used to tease him about being superman when he saved me. He didn't complain. I mean its superman, who would complain?

"Fine." He tries to sit up.

"No stop! I was kidding! Don't do that.."

He smiles a little, he didn't even make it close to getting up. "Aren't you supposed to be finding someone to marry?"

"That can wait." I damp his face more. Still with no luck though.

"But you don't have much time to find one. You shouldn't waste your time on me."

I shrug. "I rather be here than with someone I know I'll never love."

"You don't know that."

"I do. Because I can't find anyone when I know I wont have feelings for them."

He sighs weakly and closes his eyes. Its silent for a little before I speak up. "I've known you for 15 years, and I don't think I've ever seen you weak.."

"Then don't see me. I don't want you seeing me like this."

"Well I'm not leaving."

"I didn't think you would." He starts fading out again.

"Hey, stay with me. Don't you go back to being unconscious."

"..I'm trying.." He cracks open his eyes slightly.

"No your not, or at least not enough. Try harder." I lay my hand on his forehead. Still burning up.

"Your not helping the fever, your so hot its making me burn up.." He smiles slightly. "See trying hard enough to joke."

I roll my eyes and smile a little. "What can I do to make you stay awake and better?"

"Lay and watch a movie with me. A good movie to keep me awake." He tries to move over and I have to help him.

I turn the TV on and search for a movie on it. "How about Superman?" I joke and he smiles.

"Sure." I put it on and sit on the bed next to him. He looks over at me. "Lay back, get comfortable...don't be weird."

"Weird is my forte," I smile and lay down, leaving some space between us.

"No more wiping my face too."

I smile. "Fine."

We watch the movie quietly. Ever so often his head would fall on my shoulder and he almost fades out again.

"Don't even think about it."

He groans and sits back up. "Can I please just sleep?"

"What if you don't wake up and remain unconscious for another week and a half?"

He sighs. "Fine."


-Brandon's P.O.V.

Staying awake sucks. The only brightside is talking to Elena, and we're not arguing for once. Because after talking for awhile we usually end up arguing about something. But not this time. I'm surprised she hasn't left. It makes me feel bad though, she has better things to do.

By the end of the movie she finally fell asleep, leaning her head on my shoulder. I contemplate sleeping myself but if I don't wake up conscious in the morning she wont be happy.

I end up staying awake for awhile, but then my exaughsten gets the best of me and I fade out.

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